Wolfgang Bueschel - yes, I understand you apparently hate pop music (which you sometimes also call "strange rock") and WMR. But I don't think your'e fair, because more than (I'd guess) 90 % of the awful "pop music" played on WMR is pop music originating from Africa, the Caribbean, South America and elsewhere - music that would never be played on western "pop music" radio stations. It might not make any difference to you, since it's still only "pop music", but it might (I hope) make a difference for some of the WMR listeners. "Pop music what else? .. well, one thing at least: I carry station ID's in 30 different languages on WMR. Haven't heard about any other station which is doing the same. WMR is still running 100 W on 5840 kHz from the new transmitter site in Bramming, in the South Western part of Denmark (24/7). If we can get a new power amplifier to work as we'd like, the power on 5840 will be increased to 500 W. WMR is also still on 15805 kHz Saturdays and Sundays 07-20 UTC. Now currently only 150 Watts. And conditions on 19 m are pretty poor at present. As for Radio208 on 5805 kHz (transmitter site: Hvidovre, Copenhagen): Since Wednesday there is a problem with the audio. So it's only an open carrier. Hopefully it will be fixed within the next few days (Wednesday perhaps) and power increased from 75 to 150 Watts. Radio208 is still running 500 W from Ishøj, Copenhagen on 1440 kHz 24/7.
Best 73s Stig Hartvig Nielsen www.wmr.radio www.radio208.dk -----Oprindelig meddelelse----- Fra: Hard-Core-DX [mailto:hard-core-dx-bounces@hard-core-dx.com] På vegne af Wolfgang Bueschel Sendt: 9. maj 2020 17:18 Til: hard-core-dx@hard-core-dx.com; WOR DXLD Emne: Re: [HCDX] [WOR] Fw: [bdxc-news] Copenhagen on 5805 kHz
at 15.13 UT WMR ID on 5840 kHz, in southern Germany S=5, -97dBm, pop mx what else ? nothing on 5805 kHz. 73 wb ----- Original Message ----- From: "Glenn Hauser via groups.io" Sent: Saturday, May 09, 2020 6:29 AM Subject: [WOR] Fw: [bdxc-news] Copenhagen on 5805 kHz too late to fix on WOR 2033, I quoted his first report before this correxion: gh
[bdxc-news] Radio208 Copenhagen on 5805 kHz; WMR on 5840 kHz May 8 at 6:40 PM Harald Kuhl <hkdx@gmx.de> sorry, I obviously mixed this up WMR is on 5840 kHz of course; SINPO 44444 now Radio 208 is on 5805 kHz; currently no audio, just a carrier now at 1830 UTC on 8 May 2020 vy73 Harald _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/