KBOZ 1090 Bozeman MT will run a 10 minute test at 530am and 950pm mountain time Wednesday April 29th and Friday May 1st. The test will be done with 1250 Watts non directional and last 10 minutes each time. The test will consist of a few KBOZ jingles along with morse code, sweep tones and telephone sound effects.
The station is on the air right now to keep the license alive after being silent for nearly a year when prior owner Reier Broadcasting ran into financial trouble. There will be no paper QSL's issued for this test. Only emailed confirmation. Send an email to walkerbroadcasting@gmail.com with "KBOZ 1090 DX Test" in the email (You MUST put that in that subject line so I don't accidentally delete it thinking its spam!). The reply will likely be a simple email reply with details of the station and confirming the details of what/when you heard it. You WILL get a reply from me in due course, please give me some time! This is done on short notice and being kept simple as to not burden anyone involved. Thanks to Les Rayburn for creating the test material and John Johnson for connecting me with the staff member that's operating KBOZ. (Do not try and contact the licensee/owner, lawyer or anything... communications about this DX test must go to me, Paul Walker) Any questions? Email me and I'll be glad to answer. Pass this word to other DX email groups, facebook groups, websites, etc Paul _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/