Some TRT Emirler transmission log of April 19, at 20.00 to 22.10 UTTURKEY 9635.017 VoTurkey Emirler international French service from Ankara Turkey, powerhouse S=9+45dB at 2010 UT, excellent audio level tonight, continously played some music program, at 300degr azimuth towards western Europe target. and 9880.006 kHz same French sce aimed rather at NorthAF, NoWeAfrica, Sahel zone towards West Africa at 252 degr azimuth. S=9+15dB even on sidelobe at western Europe, 2015 UT. 9460even VoTurkey Emirler, Turkish sce at S=9+35dB signal strength, at 310degr azimuth at WeEUR, 20.16 UT. and 5960.004 kHz towards NE/ME/CeAsia/NoEaAF, S=9+10dB even at western Europe, 20.21 UT. 9875.006 kHz scheduled 20.30-21.25 UT TRT Emirler in English eastwards world morning service, at SoAsia, Saudi / UAE / OMA/ YEM Peninsula, SoEaAS, MLA, SIN, INS, AUS, NZL, PAC target. S=8 in western EUR S=9+10dB in remote Doha Qatar SDR unit, S=9+15dB in BrisbaneQsl-AUS, 20.25 UT nx read end, S=7 in Tokyo and Hiroshima Japan remote Perseus units, S=9 in Hanoi-VTN, S=9+20dB in Kiwi set at Jakarta-INS, S=9+15dB in Adelaide SoAUS, and Raymond-NSW-AUS, S=8-9 in Hong Kong China. S=8 in Hebei-China northeastwards, S=6 in Irkutsk-RUS, now 20.40 UT continously music program played. 9830 kHz 22-23 UT TRT English - NOT ON AIR - tonight. Not 22, 22.05, nor at 22.15 UT, only co-channel CNR1 Beijing Chinese Mandarin sce, here in Western EUR at S=6-7 signal level. Two odd frequency outlets noted at same time: 9683.900 kHz superpower CNR1 jamming S=9+30dB strong at 22.12 UT, !! hit also CRI Beijing Portuguese sce mx program on adjacent 9685 kHz ! bad 2 kHz heterodyne difference tone whistle. 9886 kHz UNID carrier of S=9+15dB at 22.19 UT. 9870 kHz tonigt AGAIN distorted audio of Riyadh's final tume, of 1st Arabic px from Riyadh site at 22.20 UT. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 19) ----- Original Message ----- From: "Glenn Hauser via Hard-Core-DX" Sent: Sunday, April 19, 2020
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs April 19, 2020 TURKEY. 15450.025, April 19 at 1321, I`m awake barely early enough to check VOT 1230 English to WEu and NAm beyond: S4 to S8 peaks with music, typically off-frequency, but could be worse. Brief unreadable YL announcement and off 1325*. Something`s always erroneous at Emirler (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) This report despatched at 1956 UT April 19 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list
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