the web page below include also the report on S Arabia 3/4 11150 CN R1 jammer against SOH man with talks in CC as like commenting 1253 -85dbm Also 11100 -85dbm same program QRMed by ‘the fence’ guard tones Also on 9230 with -92dbm 9370 ID as you are listening to R F A. new ID iver instrumental play that seemas as gamelan style ‘This is RFA’ the following program is in Burmese -80 dbm but audio filter is unclear that seem as with more modulation on USB 15140 Oman is back after WB notice in the HCDX mailing list -87dbm S7 15215 DW 1802 with talk in Hausa about CiV19 but continuous references in America ID on 1905 signal -47dbm or S9+20
MW stations and pirates: 1660 pirate with -54dbm o S9+23 form my town SKG with mostly talks then song 1314 1620 pirate same time making some experiments with audio hen goes CQ ??dbm 1530.5 song from Jenny Vanou a pop singer of 70s with the adamant voice -84dbm/120qrn 1539 pirate with folklore oldies starting abruptly on 1334 with -72dbm in this freq is Dytikos Echos bit im unsure if is that ID ed as Even or something similar 2x3.8khz audio. 1350 pirate 1400 with making dedications to radio mates -80dbm and old time dancing songs termed as doggish His motto “ we listen xpress to lose the stress’ 1269 pirate with easy oldies , or semipop songs 1413 its station uses 20khz audio filter thus with clear audio and signal -66dbm but sometimes it can exeed to a more of +-10Khz !! 1314 Oldenia -95dbm just fading up with talks. ID on 1411 ==== 4/4 14920 CN jammer against SOH 1021 with -75dbm Off at1100 13790 RRom Intl 1032 with traditional music -87dbm mixed with a DSL carrier French program 7210 Vo Turkey in Bulgarian , with song -54dbm ,, news on civ19 . signal is in between a poor stanag like signal 7435 1117 music . again 1150 with YL talking very possible to be Farda as the Signal is -115/-130dbm The only station in the band 5836.054 R Europa with rocks and country music at 1154 , passes 1200 with the song without any ID after it . -100/125dbm floor QRN The signal gradually fades in with at -95dbm on 1245 and continues to raise while I was listening it for getting the ID while doing several PC worx . ON 1342 clanged its playlist with a Romanian folk song then with Russian songs , 1500+ with to Arabic songs 16+western again and signed on 1712. There is a gap by 2-4 seconds between songs Maximum level becomes after 15 at -65dbm with 2x10 kHz wide audio Poor on Salonika GR ,NL Italy Ukraine (just traces )on 1200 , fair but very clear on Budapest Romania and Poland same time.
Screeshot and a fading image Herd also the next day at 1024 fading in-95dbm 5808 operator on 1203 calling porentua with numbers in russain, brazil -95dbm 5910 R Rom Intl with -40dbm signal abd 11 kHZ wide in Romanian ,with coronavirus report from Europe listing the counties having effects. Impressively clear audio 9865 AIR -74dbm English program 1524, while stopped to listen to the virus report from ERA , //9950 lso -72dbm /1156 just a carrier of -68dbm for the corona virus from AIR TWR on 6240 1545 -16 with Philipines : no signal on any frequency as Ivo noted on 1806 : 9960 12120 or even 15190 I also confirm that in my home Zacharias LiangasRSP1a with Console & Uno &2x16 m antena Icom R75 /PL380 / De1103 radios (all pages) _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list