2.4 53 deaths in total (+3 )with 27 new effected plus 23 in a immigrants hot spot plus 43 from a vessel for a total 1514 effected . i was very curious that many Chinese were behaving very stupid during my communications via ebay the last 2 months and i m now assured by the speech of the health by -minister.The virus can also effect the brain... 2265 dead would be happened if we used the Spanish model 25/3 is the one national day with the liberation from Ottoman empire and also te annunciation of Lord. The case of the corona virus made the churches work without the public but were aired via one national TV channel and from a local TV channel .Also the traditional military parade if the day was not feasible. The regular newsletter ob 1800 shwon 821 affected with 22 dead Complete info on evernote page https://bit.ly/3dARbI6
Logs https://zliangaslogs.blogspot.com/2020/03/logs-253.html
[picture] With some material from the BCDX newsletters 9445 Vo hope 1557 sign in off in Hindi -68dbm 9485 on 1555 with CW code wit sporadic 4dah codes 9515 CRI 1504 about Korean centre and the disease -80dbm 11990 R Afan Oromiya 1508 talks and phone ins in Oromo as usual about Corona 19 -90dbm 12005 Farda 1511 news in Farsi on 1513 -75 dbm 13580 TWR Kirundi 1605 wit religious talks with -60dbm and 13kHz wide 13830 Vatican radio in Amharic 1540 with -55dbm with 10+kHz wide signal. Heared Paulus and Pater St Francescus.. ID on 1543 13845 WWCR3 Nashville 1539 with religious program whet ever happens with the virus praise to the god -86dbm 15770 WRMI Supreme Master TV reading from Apostle 1520 2 millions. German talks in 1523 with ID Master TV and supreme master Qinghai aasuming some money. 1532 Upreern master TV Qinghai ID on the 1530 program that followed with a local traditional song with a twisting male (?) voice. There is some repetitory noise from a DSL kind in our area -73dbm with nearly steady fading though sometimes the signal drops 20 db [picture]
15825 WWCR is off duty after 1530 leaving only the carrier… -68dbm max MW 1413 Ukraine 1446 with news about corona as usual .. -77dbm 1179 Romania 1448 with old pop song -89dbm 990 surely local pirate 1450 with old songs of 60s -65dbm https://sites.google.com/site/zliangas/sdr
Zacharias LiangasRSP1a with Console & Uno &2x16 m antena Icom R75 /PL380 / De1103 radios https://del.icio.us/gr_greek1/ZAK (all pages) _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/