Nothing heard so far on 15495 kHz yet,but now at 16.00 UT heard on a remote Blackpool Perseus SDR rx
similar scratching / white noise DRM-Stanag signal
on exact 15700 kHz
requested by US Biblis Germany Uighur service towards western China, and
jamming by China mainland
15700.0 CNR1 Jammer 1600-1700 Mandarin China smtwtfs FE China EiBi
15700.0 R.Free Asia 1600 1700 Uyghur Biblis GER smtwtfs FE /D-b
15700.0 * R.Free Asia 1600 1700 Uyghur Biblis GER smtwtfs RFA3/AGM a 100 075
15700.0 US AGM 1600 1700 Uighur Biblis GER smtwtfs 42,43W 100 075
----- Original Message -----
From: "burbage45 via Groups.Io" <>
Sent: Monday, March 30, 2020 5:16 PM
Subject: [WOR] Transmission on 15495
Is anyone hearing the unidentified transmission on 15495. It was heard
active on Sunday around 1415UT and is heard again today - and past 1500UT.It actually sounds more like STANAG than DRM or even jamming, with no
registrations for any transmission on this frequency that I can find.
Signal strength at my location in NW England is about S5 only.
Noel R. Green
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