5945 RRomIntl 1359 with ID ‘Govorit radio Bucharest’ R Romania in Russian with description of the program with separate program for the CoV19. 2x10 kHz goodf at -63dbm signal 5960 CNR with long commentary 1406+ and short music interval then adverts as mentioned at -87dbm signal with 6 kHz wide filter for best 6070 ToM 1415 with talk and ID by the well known pastor and web address Poor signal at -84dbm 6164 center a75 baud FSK idling with -90dbm shown also above 6180 CNR17 in Kazakh with ID on 1330 . There is anther station in the freq with CC but is quite poorer than CNR canot to widen so much the bandwidth as there are a few other carriers in the nearby freqs : 6175 @-105db 6177@-100db 6183@-100db and 6185@-110dbm Se the photo for more: 6190 CR in CC with talks music and adverts -85dbm max Also on the above picture 6250 VoPeople very early in the band! -92 dbm but hardly auduble due to floor noise of -120dbm 7265 CRI in Hindi 1318 with talks ID at 1319 -90dbm at max with variation of 7db only 7285 CRI in a Turkic language 1320 with talks and short music in between with rave rhythm -71dbm max and around 10 kHZ wide 9215 seems as CNR instead if SoH . poor modulation with carrier on -95dbm 9250 Buzzer 1326 audible with -100dbm at max 9525 CRI 1506 prg in English with coronavirus news -80dbm 9685 Cri Russian 1244 today the signal is making nuts in reception with a rather DSB transmission Also on 7215 with -85dbm 12120 CNr jammner 1441 in double mixing with another 2x10 kHz wide !!! 12140 Liberty in Dari 1442 with talks 12194 once again watching the fauty CIS12 signal (? As someone from a ute gfroup advised me )as in 3815 See the photo Something similar on 10387 that uses also a hynbrid trasnmisson system shown with video here https://youtu.be/8BQQfbY_CNo off 1500 [picture] 15420 BBC somali 1425 with ID mentioned by announcer with talks in Som mixed with Arabic -80dbm mixed with local BPL supposed noise Also on 12095 ID 1439 with also 10kHZ wide , a news from Malta
15490 Azadi /Liberty 1429 with talks in Uzbek. Short coronavirus headlines on 1430 There is some Uzbekistan ulmit talin There is some satanag 4285 carrer on the USb side plus the 15300 footsteps carier as you see in the photo [picture ] 15825 WWCR 1434 reading te bible from revelations with angels -75dbm max with low on -90dbm Zacharias LiangasRSP1a with Console & Uno &2x16 m antena Icom R75 /PL380 / De1103 radios https://del.icio.us/gr_greek1/ZAK (all pages) _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/