Manuel Méndez Lugo, SpainTIBET, 7385, PSB Xizang, Lasha, English program "Holy Tibet", I sent a reception report to the station, via email, and here the reply:
"Dear Listener, We have received your Email and will sent you the QSL card as soon as possible. It usually takes one or two monthes to reach you. Glad to hear from you. Here's a program list:
Monday-Tuesday Tibet story Wednesday-Thursday Eyes on Tibet Friday Tibet Tourism Saturday Tibet Review Sunday Music-Shangri-La. You can have more details online at you can also E-mail us at and you can write to us
"Holy Tibet" English service No.41 Beijing Middle Road, Tibet Broascasting Station Lhasa, Tibet, China. Our postal code is 850000. Holy Tibet is broadcasted to you every day from 0:00-01:00, 15:00-16:00 Beijing Time at short wave 4905, 4920, 6110, 6130, 6200, 9580, 7255, 7385, 9490.
Welcome to CHINA, welcome to Tibet. Best wishes."0000-0100 Beijing time is 1600-1700 UTC and 1500-1600 Beijing time is 0700-0800 UTC
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