CUBA Checked 22 - 23 UT time lot. RadioCuba and their programmes of RHC and 'Mesa Redonda' now on DST, since Sunday March 8th.Still missed: RHC to South Africa at 100 degrees from Bauta, scheduled 22-24 UT, not heard on March 10, when checked 7380, 9720, nor 11880 kHz. RHC Portuguese on 11700 kHz via Quivican. (and on intermodulation {symmetrical 11850 Spanish QUI} on 12000 kHz). RHC Spanish 22.40 UT 5040 BAU, 9535 BEJ, 9640 BEJ, 11670 BAU most distorted tonight, 11760 BAU, 11850 QUI. 15370 RHC BAU heavily distorted audio, latter audio mostly on upper sideband, up to 15377 kHz. RadioCuba with special single hour of "Mesa Redonda" in Spanish 23-24 UT on 11950 kHz. But latter empty powerful carrier war already on air 22.45 - 23.00 UT. TAJIKISTAN 9494 kHz split fq of Voice of Tibet was again on air at 23.03 UT, S=9+10dB in southern Germany.
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