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Wolfgang Bueschel: log March 8th   
Sunday, March 08 2020


Log of March 8.

Grayline now midst on Atlantic Ocean close to Cabo Verde isl. at present
08.02 UT on March 8.

NIGERIA 7254.941 kHz Voice of Nigeria Abuja, in Cape Canaveral from
Florida state and Hanson Massachusetts USA remote units. At 08.00 UT, March
8, S=4-5 tiny on -99dBm to -104dBm level.

CUBA No 49 meterband RadioCuba signal in 49 mb, not RHC Bauta in En, nor in
Sunday special of Esperanto language at all. 07.54-08.01 UT. ONLY Radio
Rebelde Bauta heard on 5025 kHz channel. March 8.

TAJIKISTAN 9806even kHz Voice of Tibet, clandestine radio program for
decades. Now from Dushanbe Yangi Yul Tajikistan 100 kW site. As usual not on
even x.5 / x.0 spacing. Heard full 45 mins on that channel, when I tuned-in
at 13.15-14.00 UT. No China mainland jamming accompanied today ! S=9+25dB in
remote Delhi India SDR rx. S=6 only on remote Doha Qatar unit, at 13.24 UT
on March 8.

CHINA/PHILIPPINES 9825even Strong like digital NOISE SCRATCHING jamming
against VoA Tinang-PHL in Mandarin Chinese 10-14 UT, S=9+5dB, 8 kHz wideband
audio. Similar scratching noise spur signal on range 9813 to 9821 kHz.
Chinese program mostly on lower sideband side. 13.26 UT. In eastern Thailand
remote SDR rx S=6 or -86dBm only, but no jamming from CHN heard here.

MALAYSIA 9835even RTM Sarawak FM? in Malaysian language, via K-L Kajang.
S=9+10dB in eastern Thailand, S=5-6 fluttery only in Doha Qatar remote rx.
Audio signal part only on lower_sideband_flank side. Though strong carrier
in Delhi, Qatar and Thailand post, but only 10% low modulation at 13.32 UT
on March 8.

GUAM 9975even KTWR Agana Guam, S=9+15dB at 13.41 UT on March 8. Chinese
program, mx like religious Gospel songs, 10 kHz wide audio block.

PHILIPPINES/MOLDOVA/VIETNAM 9950 kHz FEBC Koko sce to Vietnam mountain,
via Iba site ended 13.30 UT. But noted even at 13.43 UT a strong carrier.

And underneath noted the Vietnamese security forces service jamming on very
special sirene / wailing tone even at 13.44 UT on upper side flank on odd
frequency of 9952.070 kHz.

9950 kHz But from 13.45 UT scheduled TWR India program in various exotic
Indian subcontinental languages, on Sundays in Vasavi or Kurukh languages,
via Radiotelecentr (PRTC) transmitter Grigoriopol Maiac in Moldova
Pridnestrovie East Europe. S=9+20dB in remote eastern Thailand SDR rx. 9.5
kHz wideband audio signal, excellent Maiac outlet.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 8)


Wolfgang Bueschel: log March 8th | 0 comments |
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