On Jan 19 at 00.30 to 01.30 UT, heard in remote SDR rxs in Switzerland and New Delhi India South Asia subcontinental station. 5779.996 U.K./IRL (?) Pirate station 'Radio Harmony' soft oldies. English Waltz music of the previous century 20ties, S=8 at 00.30 UT on Jan 19. Historical recordings. 8.8 kHz wideband audio block modulation. 5800even USA WRMI likely SMTV radio relay program. S=7 or -85dBm at 00.34 UT on Jan 19. 5850even USA WRMI English program of Radio Slovakia International(?) S=7 or -85dBm at 00.36 UT on Jan 19. 5915 kHz bad mixture of two signals: Zambia NBC Radio 1 from Lusaka-ZMB, S=9 or -77dBm at 00.38 UT, and on lower S=6-7 level at 00.39 UT on Jan 19, on lower side 5914.983 MMR/BRM Myanmar Radio from new Myanmar capital Nay Pyi Daw in central Burma. 5939.600 BRA Radio Voz Missionaria, Camborio SC, sermon BrasPortuguese, at 00.41 UT on Jan 19, S=7 or -85dBm. 5960 kHz bad mixture of two program radios: 5960.003 D__ Mighty KBC Radio program from MBR Nauen Germany 100 kW site, S=8 -63dBm ... and much odd China mainland outlet 5959.936 CHN PBS XJBS Xinjiang Urumqi Changji #523 bcast center in Uighur language. S=9+5dB at 00.46 UT. 5985even MMR/BRM Myanmar Radio from former capital Yeegu / Yangoon, S=9+5 or --72dBm, excellent signal into Switzerland WeEUR. 00.47 UT on Jan 19. and nearby strange 5993-6016 kHz OTHR signal midst on 49 meter band. S=9+35dB in WeEurope. 6055even BUL TOM BS sermon in English, powerful S=9+30dB at 00.49 UT via SPC-NURTS Spaceline Ltd. Sofia Kostinbrod Bulgaria relay site. 6089.985 IRN IRIB from Sirjan site in Spanish at 298degr to northern Latin America. S=9+25dB powerful. 16 kHz audio wideband, 00.50 UT 6135.098 BRA R Aparecida, BrasPortuguese, S=8-9 in western EUR 00.52 UT. 6140.022 IND AIR Aligarh in Urdu to Pakistan neighbour. S=7 fair at 00.53 UT in Switzerland western Europe. 6155even UZB NHK Radio Japan Tokyo in Hindi language via RRTM Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan bcast center. 1000 Hertz tone test early before 00.54 UT, then NHK Radio Japan interval signal start, at 00.55-00.59 UT, S=9+10dB in Switzerland western Europe, 8.8 kHz wideband signal. 6184.998 MEX XEPPM R Educacion Mexico D.F. poor S=5 signal here in Europe or -93dB at 01.03 UT on Jan 19. 6195even OMA BBC London Interval signal chimes, at 00.59:35 UT BBC ID. Pashto language progr start from ENC Encompass Digital Media Services from Al Seela Oman relay site.
6164.996 MMR/BRM Thazin Radio from northern Pyin U Lwin bcast center, likely in Burmese Vernaculars, S=8 at 01.26 UT on Jan 19, noted a weaker signal even on closer remote SDR rx at Delhi-IND.[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 19) _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/