Manuel Méndez Lugo, SpainVANUATU, 7260, Radio Vanuatu, Porto Vila, active on this frequency, yesterday 22th and today 23th December, heard via SDR Kiwi remote receivers in the Pacific zone, very good signal in northern New Zealand, 0555-0630*, with program in Bislama, a languages with a lot of English words, mentioned multiple times "Vanuatu", "Radio Vanuatu" and closed at 0630, at this time open and continue the program on 5040 kHz, later on English. 7260 kHz eclipsed today in Europe by China on the same frequency.
5040 kHz, heard in Europe via SDR Kiwi remote receivers in Czech Republic, Swiss, Sweden, etc., with weak signal, especially after 0700, when closed Radio Habana Cuba on the same frequency. 5040 usually closes at 1100 and continue at that time on 3945 kHz.
I could't check with my receiver today for not being in Friol. _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list