Okay, description of a technical quality report of 'Iran International TV
Radio' {and some digital scratch Stanag noise}, here in Europe or U.K. some
5000 to 6000 kilometers off the finish line is misleading.
Reception on remote monitoring in Perseus or Kiwi net sets
at Near and Middle East target like Kuwait or UAE / Qatar target describe
an excellent useful signal - nearly free of Iran shortwave jamming.
Jamming against former IBB now AGM United States Agency for Global Media
(USAGM) / VoA Farsi on MW 1575 kHz was quite a 'different caliber'.
The same judgment also applies to Denge Welat Kurdish radio on 9530 or
11530_and nearby, or 15175 kHz in signal target.
Now - Iran or Turkey do not nearly reach the jamming level of Bulgarian
or Czech jamming against RFE / RL in that era some 50 years ago.
re 6210/6220 kHz BC usage.
This is a hot game of Armenia or Uzbek RadioCom to install a broadcast
service in this area. A decade ago, all BC users had been warned
by the ITU UN Geneva, and had to clear-up the 6210 to 6400 kHz
marine and maritime frequency range then immediately.
Of course that does not apply to the 'Korea Radio War' therein.
The 1000 Hertz tone play has been happened also in August - September
this 2019 year in 22 meterband in 13500 - 13750 kHz range
by Saudi Arabia vv Iran during daytime hours.
73 wb
6200 0000-2359 ships, channel 601 SSB
6203 0000-2359 ships, channel 602 SSB
6203,8 0000-2359 Digital data station DIG
6206 0000-2359 ships, channel 603 SSB
6209 0000-2359 ships, channel 604 SSB
6212 0000-2359 ships, channel 605 SSB
6212,8 0000-2359 Digital data station DIG
6215 0000-2359 d+s frequency SSB wo-wide
6215 0000-2359 ships, channel 606 SSB
6218 0000-2359 ships, channel 607 SSB
6220 0000-2359 ITA IN Napoli DIG IDN
6221 0000-2359 ships, channel 608 SSB
----- Original Message -----
From: "Glenn Hauser via Groups.Io" <wghauser=yahoo.com@groups.io>
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2019 11:24 PM
Subject: Re: [WOR] IRIB vs. Iran International TV audio on 11590/6210/6220
kHz, November 20Iran International TV has started shortwave relays, presumably via Armenia
and Uzbekistan. Tentative schedule as follows:
0400-1200 11590kHz
1200-0400 6210kHz
1500-0300 1395kHz [as reported here by Tony Rogers yesterday]
(Mauno Ritola 5 hours ago)
Seems, that they have jumped to 6220 kHz to escape Iran.
(Mauno Ritola 4 hours ago)
Seems, that 1395 kHz has a break for Voice of Armenia programming from 1600.
At 1745 1395 kHz continued with Iran International audio.
(Mauno Ritola via World Radio Tv Handbook Facebook group 20 Nov)
Iran International is a Persian language television channel broadcast by
satellite to Iran. It is London based and licensed in the United Kingdom by
Ofcom to Global Media Circulating Ltd
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran_International
Iran International (English) website: https://iranintl.com/en
Strong (presumably IRIB) tone only heard here today, from about 1545 UTC
tune-in on 6210 kHz, but tone now gone when checked at 1840 UTC.
Could only hear what sounded like STANAG when checked 6220 kHz.
The internet in Iran has been blacked out for four days now:
73s (Alan Pennington, Caversham, UK, 1850 UT Nov 20, bdxc-news iogo)
On Wed, Nov 20, 2019 at 08:13 PM, Klaus Werner wrote:
Just tuned into 6210 kHz (20.09 UTC) and get a strong heterodyne with USB
zero-beat on ca. 6210.86 kHz – no audio. Any idea what this could be –
carrier for the Iranian transmissions? Yeasu FT-840 and 20m wire. 73, Klaus
(bdxc-news iog via Pennington, ibid.)
Yes, the strong 1kHz tone on 6210 (presumably an Iranian jamming signal) is
back on. Plus some chatter (fishermen?) on 6211.0.
73, (Alan, 2129 UT, ibid.)
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