KUWAIT Today at Nov 13R Kuwait Kabd in English 05-08 UT at 07.50 UT
exact on 15530.000 kHz, S=9+25dB strength, super 18 kHz wide band signal.
Also at 08.15 UT Radio Kuwait in Arabic 15515.003 kHz.
7249.854 kHz Persian at 08.10 UT, both S=9+5 to +10dB in Athens Greece
remote Perseus SDR,
11970 DRM mode visible data block 05-08 UT 10 kHz wide at 07.51 UT,
scheduled 05-08 UT.
5960 tx OFF air 07.49 UT.
at 09.45 - 13.25 UT requested schedule of RK Arabic in DRM mode:
S=9+5dB measured in Athens Greece,
data block range 15104.840 to 15114.580 kHz,
and central data gap visible on exact 15109.720 kHz.
17760.000 exact fq, RK Filipino 10-12 UT heard ID at 11 UT.
73 wb
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ivo Observer Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 10:09 AM
Subject: [dxld] DX RE MIX NEWS # 1157 & SWLDXBulgaria News November 13KUWAIT MOI Radio Kuwait in English on nominal frequency 15529.9 kHz,
November 13
0630 & 0759 on 15530vKBD 250 kW 310 deg to WeEu English,
instead of badly drifting
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