** ARMENIA. 9300, Monday Sept 30 at 1313, TWR IS at S3-S5, 1315 opening announcement unknown language; again at 1359 TWR IS is JBA. Per Aoki/NDXC, convoluted schedule of TWR India via Yerevan-Gavar for day 2 shows starting 1315 in Mun language; 1400 going from Hin-di to Kum. So what are these obscure minolitylangs? Per EiBi`s readme.txt MUN Mundari: India-Jharkhand, Odisha (1.1m) [unr] KUM Kumaoni/Kumauni: India-Uttarakhand (2m) [kfy] At least the gospel huxters are countering Modi`s Hindi-above-all (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CANADA. 990, UT Monday Sept 30 at 0604 UT, CBW Winnipeg is the only CBC station we get dependably, now opening its overnight relays of foreign stations, 1-5v am local, with `DW WorldLink`, first about illegal migration from Bangladesh to India. Been a long time since I`ve checked the schedule, so here it is for this week: https://www.cbc.ca/programguide/weekly/2019/09/30/cbc_radio_one/?t=1569858526733 Tue-Sat however the first hour is `The World` from USA which we can hear the previous afternoon on KOSU. Display does not give the country source for the other programs, some of them familiar from Monocle, BBC or ABC, NPR (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 5990, Sept 29 at 0537, RHC is here on wrong frequency, supposed to be only for CRI relays at 23-01! S9+20 song in Spanish, so it is English or Spanish service? Soon announcement in English, and // much weaker 5040, 6100 S9+30, much stronger than 6165 S9/+10 and JBM. Nothing on 6000 which is where it`s supposed to be, and now 5990 splashes upon 5985 WRMI which is on this late Mondays only with gospel huxter. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA [non]. 11860, Sunday Sept 29 at 2145, Radio Martí, Grimesland, with silly baseball game coverage, two guys with crowd noise, etc., apparently live involving the Cardenales and speculating about the Serie Mundial. I don`t see how béisbol-crazy dentroCubans could not be listening to this. Not much jamming audible here. Also on 11930 and presumably 9565 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA [and non]. Quick check Sunday Sept 29 at 2130 UT: 1580 KOKB Blackwell OK is still OFF; so is 1130 KLEY Wellington KS; but 1280 KSOK Arkansas City KS is still on (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [and non]. Re my lament that KM6 calls are no longer Midway, Jim K5JG, replies on the ptsw group: ``Glen[n] et all, Changing the prefixes for overseas entities was done around 1979-1980 when the entire Amateur Radio callsign structure was changed. I remember reading at the time that the FCC was forecasting that they were just a few years away from running out of callsigns under the old structure and came up with the present scheme to mitigate that possibility. It always seemed exotic and exciting to hear KM6 (Midway), KX6 (Kwajalein Island), KC6 (Eastern Caroline Islands), KG6 (Guam / Marianas Islands), KW6 (Wake Island), or KV4 (Virgin Islands) coming back to your call. Note that some Pacific island entities that were US possessions are now independent countries and have non-US prefixes. Nowadays, KH-something and KP-something is just boring. When the restructuring occurred, no one was forced to change their existing callsign as it only applied to new callsigns. So, not only is it theoretically possible for a Guam Islander with an old KG6xx call to fall right between two California KG6xx callsigns in the FCC database, but one could contact two Guam stations in a row, one a KG6 and the other a KH2! Makes things even more confusing. Another good source for info on deleted US prefixes is: http://www.ac6v.com/oldprefix.php#OLD and scroll down a little. 73, Jim K5JG`` (via Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2001 monitoring: confirmed Sunday September 29 at 2130 on WRMI 7780, VP with ECSS at S5-S7. Also confirmed UT Monday Sept 30 at 0130 on WRMI 7780, fair S8-S9; but // 9395 is JBA, as the MUF is degraded leaving lower but sidebeam 7780 better here. Also confirmed UT Monday Sept 30 at 0230, JBA on WRMI 7780. Also confirmed UT Monday Sept 30 starting at 0258.5 on Area 51 webcast; WBCQ 5130.0 is VP. Also confirmed UT Monday Sept 30 at 0330 on WRMI 9955 JBA? But OK on webcast. Next: 1816 UT Monday IRRS 7290 Romania to WNW 0100 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 to NE 0800 UT Tuesday Unique Radio 5045-USB NSW [2 episodes] ND 2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW 0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 820, Sept 30 at 0610 UT, unusual music way over talker WBAP which normally owns 820 here at night --- 0611 UT singing ID as WWBA and gospel country song. U4 50/1 kW WWBA in Largo FL (TSP market, not Key Largo!) has got to be on day power and pattern, but major lobes NNW/SSE, not so good for us, so possibly ND now? If they do this again, should make it very DXable (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 990, Sept 30 at 1222 UT, turning back on still tuned here after CBW, obits concerning Cassville and Monett, i.e. KRMO Cassville MO, U1 2500/47 watts. OK since Sept sunrise is officially 1200 UT, but not tomorrow, October 1230. These towns are in the SW corner of MO, and KWAM Memphis no problem by now (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 1060, Sept 30 at 1226 UT, M&W chat in Spanish from NW/SE, which rules out KXPL and KIJN in far west TX, and all of Mexico. So what SS are on that axis in new NRC AM Log? KDYL South Salt Lake UT, U1 10000/149 but this is far before sunrise there. Aside from language, I would expect primary hearance from KRCN Longmont CO, U1 50000/111/psra 500, but it`s also not sunrise there until 1245 UT (Oct: 1315 UT), and listed as EWTN in English. Furthermore, by 1229 UT I am getting CCI from another SS also NW/SE with a song. There are no other possibilities unless something has flipped, and even then hardly anything on that axis. Furthermore the first station is also producing a LAH, significantly off-frequency I think to the plus. But mwoffsets http://mwlist.org/mwoffset.php?khz=1060 does not show any US station far enough off either side to produce a low audible het, including the ones I have mentioned. Max would be +13 from MN (but XERDO Matamoros was plus 77 Hz in 2015; but that would be almost due south). At 1240 UT I have switched to the R75 so no DFing, now hearing a ``gloria`` song that seems about 30 Hz minus. Ideas? KIJN is shown as spot-on .000 altho I recall it used to be significantly off (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIEID. 4949.55-USB approx., Sept 30 at 1257, very weak 2-way in Spanish *not* referring to putas (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 6950-USB, Sept 29 at 2134, 2-way Spanish ``puta madre`` INTRUDERS into our pirate band (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 9845, Sept 29 at 2142, YL in tonal Asian language, but cuts off the air in less than a minute! Only thing Aoki listed is CNR1 from Beijing 572 site, not a jammer, at 2025-2400. But from what little I heard, did not think it was Mandarin. Maybe something else realized it had punched wrong frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) This report despatched at 1800 UT Sept 30 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/