** CUBA. 13675, Sept 25 at 1320, RHC spurblob at new spot; only a trace of unreadable modulation when tuned in FM mode, along with F# tone but now seems an octave lower, below middle C. Immediately obvious that this is no longer coming out of the 13700 AM transmitter, but instead out of 13740-AM! That one now has a big hum unlike 13700. They must have swapped transmitters/sites! Why? Just for me?
EiBi not updated since Aug 25! Eike on holiday? Aoki & EiBi agree that 13700 is/was Bauta. 13740 Bejucal per EiBi, totally missing from Aoki. Then until 1326 I search out the rest of the spur constellation, at about 65 kHz intervals above and below 13740, progressively weaker toward the edges ending with traces: 13805, 13870, 13935, 14000, 14065, 14130, 14195 13675, 13610, 13545, 13480, 13415, 13350, 13285 That out to the seventh order, 7 x 65 kHz. 13610 is obscured by Radio Martí 13605 --- a little nudge to the spurring would have added more jamming on that! Recheck at 1426, 13740 and its splotches all off. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** FRANCE. 15300, Sept 25 at 1339, song like a round, and French announcement about ``animal imaginaire``, S9 much stronger than RHC 15230 or 15140. Tuned for anything else on 19m and back to 15300 at 1342, it`s already off! Nothing but RFI Issoudun uses this frequency but at many other hours, not scheduled this one. Qu'est-ce qui se passe? Épreuve? (Guillaume Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KOREA NORTH [non]. 5980, Wed Sept 25 at 1310, fair YL in Korean, no jamming audible. One of the current frequencies for Shiokaze from JSR JAPAN, Korean scheduled this semihour on Wed & Fri. Tomorrow Thu should be in English. 6070 supposed to be // not noticed there tho not specifically checked as had not remembered where (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KUWAIT. 17549.98, Sept 24 at 2140, JBA carrier, OSOB, presumably R. Kuwait`s over-optimistic quadri-hour Arabic broadcast especially for C&W North America. First time for a few weeks even a JBAC detected (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO [and non]. 6185, Sept 24 at 2009 UT, JBA carrier from presumed XEPPM which is really on air in daytime; equally JBA carriers on 6070- from CFRX CANADA, and 5950 WRMI USA, ``the nifty NAFTA trio`` on 49m, again detectable tnx to fixing my line noise level. LSS today 0026 UT, so more than 4 hours before our sunset. Only signals audible on 49m. All of these in the 1100-1200 mile range (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO. 18150-USB, Sept 24 at 2027, XE1XR, David, is the OSOB making quick contacts in English with US stations as if in a contest on a Tuesday? Signal VG, the OSOB and I do not hear his contacts if simplex. Obviously an off- or late-season HF sporadic E opening. QRZ.com lookup finds: XE1XR Mexico David Vega Urbina MORELIA, MICHOACAN QSL: DIRECT TO EA5GL He has an extremely heavy accent, hard to follow and overmodulated. Must be close to MUF, as absolutely nothing to be heard on quick chex of 21, 24, 27 and 28 MHz bands (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NORTH AMERICA. 6900-USB, Sept 24 at 2129, now with my line noise fixed I can look for pirates this early in the daytime, 3 hours before sunset, not expecting to hear any so early, but here is one, music mixed with talk, ``who did that to you?`` like a soundtrack. Music includes wacky sound effects. Peaks at S8. No announcements until off at 2149*. Surely someone else reported it to hfunderground --- NO! Several of the regular pirates have appeared on 6900 in the past (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. 1.6-2.4 MHz or so, Sept 25 now I have an S9 line noise level in this area, where it was not before the 3-9 MHz range was cleared up. O well, this bit is more dispensable, but still a bother (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SPAIN. 12030, Sept 24 at 2014, dead air for the second day from REE to ME; ¿no one notices at Noblejas? S9+10 fading to S7; 9690 to NAm is OK; 11940 to SAm also S9-S7 with silly ballgame. Recheck at 2124: 12030 still dead air, 11940 & 9690 good, 11670 off (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 4623.5-USB, Sept 25 at 1305, MARS net 6TX2 with NCS AFA6RH rollcall to numerous stations. I thought it would be easy to search out location of this call, not so (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 7200-LSB, Sept 25 at 0612, KM6VPJ with quick CQs over and over, no answers; at least a legit ham on this frequency. Do I hear Midway Island? Hardly. QRZ.com: KM6VPJ USA Alan E Lubanes 520 Empirecreek Trail Georgetown, CA 95634 USA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 9330.00, Sept 24 at 2008, WBCQ-6 on with rock music, only S9-S7 so presumably again testing oppositeward like 60 degrees toward Egypt. Much weaker than 9350 WWCR always blasting in here, S9+40. Did not track 9330 further, but not on into the evening (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 7490.09v, Tue Sept 24 at 2132, WBCQ during ``Available Time Slot`` fills with `AAAWWW` as he is talking about e-mail with a caller. Before line noise was fixed I would not have been able to hear this weak signal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 4840, Sept 25 at 0601, S9+20 of dead air from WWCR, when TOMBS was supposed to start overnight from 0600. Failure to connect?Other WWCRs are OK: 5935 with DGS/PMS, 3215 TOMBS gets to WWCR, so why not on 4840? 3215, however has the perpetual squeal infecting the #1 transmitter; who cares? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 1280, Sept 24 around 1830 UT on caradio, NO signal from KSOK Arkansas City KS. Past week+ had been QRP, and now completely off. What`s the problem? Later at 2017 UT on the R75, only a JBA carrier, probably Poteau OK KPRV. KSOK not related to these: 1130, Sept 24 around 1830, KLEY Wellington KS remains off. Its protracted absences may not just be a technical matter. Artie Bigley forwards this about its group problems: Sale Conflict Takes Wichita Cluster Off The Air https://radioinsight.com/headlines/180682/sale-conflict-takes-wichita-cluster-off-the-air/ Also affecting stations on 1550, 92.3, 92.7, 97.1, 100.3, 100.5. Around the same time I had noticed 92.3 missing but not 92.7 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 90.1, Sept 25 at 1348 UT, KHCC Radio Kansas tropo is overriding KUCO OK, and I think I hear the last words of a StarDate episode -- but unfound on KHCC websked, too insignificant? Not on SD affiliate list either in KS, just the KANU stations and KRPS (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) This report dispatched at 1741 UT September 25 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/