International Radio Club of America convention September 5-7 in Tukwila, WA (suburban Seattle)
registration details at convention schedule: Thursday, September 5 2019 Guests arrive by air, train, bus, and cars (hotel provides shuttle van) Courtyard by Marriott Seattle Southcenter, 400 Andover Park W, Tukwila WA 98188
800-321-2211 or 206-575-2500. 4:00P Registration in Lobby. HOSTS: Mike Sanburn, Bruce Portzer. 6:00P Dinner on your own at near-by restaurants (possible group meal at Outback)
5-9PM Museum of Flight FREE night, only 10 minutes from the conventionFriday, September 6 2019 9:00A Meeting room opens 10:00+ Depart for KIRO tour (tour is at 11 AM) 1:00P KNHC tour (student run FM station) 5:00P Dinner Break 6:30P Transmitter sites - Ben Dawson Over the Pole DXing, What a Difference a Year Makes - Nick Hall-Patch
DXing from Japan - Satoshi Miyauchi/Hiroo Nakagawa Rockworks' Greatest hits - Tom Rothlisberger Life as a DXer/group - Pat Martin group DXcussion 10:00P Good night (meeting room closes)Saturday, September 7 2019 9:00A Innovative Ferrite Antennas - Gary DeBock Antenna phasing, an Introduction, by moderator, Bill Whitacre and Nick Hall-Patch
Fixed Phasers For Pairs of Antennas - Dave Aichelman Phasing Backyard Antennas - Nick Hall-Patch 11:30A Lunch Break 1:00P Social time, plus outside (weather permitting) informal demonstration of antenna arrays and techniques - Gary DeBock/Guy Atkins/Nick Hall-Patch
4:00P IRCA Business Meeting - Bruce Portzer 4:45P Group picture - gather in lobby 5:00P Gathering for banquet at Claim Jumper (on your own funds) 5:30P Leave for banquet 6:00P Banquet at Claim Jumper 8:00P Auction in the meeting room ? auctioneers TBBD 10:00P Good night (meeting room closes) - see you next year!Sunday, September 8 2019 No events planned, random gatherings with folks waiting to leave I will have some free passes to the Museum of Flight should anyone want to go there. There will also be a DXpedition to Grayland WA after the convention, starting Sunday night. See Bruce Portzer for details. Nick Hall-Patch
Nick Hall-Patch Victoria, BC Canada
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