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Radio Romania International replace partly Tiganesti by Saftica TX units.   
Sunday, August 04 2019

ROMANIA One of three txs of Romanian 300 kW bcast center at Tiganesti is
out of service at present RadioCom offers now as substitute service via 100
kW bcast center Saftica

(old center of 1956 year, which used also as clandestine stn transmitter for
comintern "Radio Espana Indepedente" and "Portugal Libre" radio program
mouth piece of communist parties of Spain and Portugal towards there home
dictatorship countries and to foreign (immigrant) workers in West Europe, in
1956 til approx 1978.)

Saftica uses mainly two newer revolving antennas, of log-periodic horizontal
characteristics, seen on Googe Earth or Google Maps images.

RRI English - nothing news of July 2019, older Tiganesti items of 2017 /


RRI French

Chers amis, un des émetteurs en ondes courtes de Tiganesti, près de
Bucarest, qui diffuse les programmes de RRI, est en panne. A cause de ce
dysfonctionnement, la transmission numérique en DRM est aussi perturbée.
Plusieurs émissions sont donc transmises temporairement en OC depuis
l'émetteur de Saftica.

Selon notre fournisseur de services de transmission, Radiocom, les
réparations s'étaleront, malheureusement, sur plusieurs semaines. Entre
temps, nous vous invitons à suivre les émissions de RRI sur la 2e fréquence
ayant la même destination, conformément à la liste que vous trouverez sur
notre site.

Les fréquences qui ne fonctionnent pas en ce moment sont :
- 7.375 kHz à destination de Montréal entre 1h et 2h TU
- 15.340 kHz à destination de l'Afrique Centrale entre 5h et 5h30 TU
- 15.130 kHz à destination d'Alger entre 10h et 11h TU

RRI Romanian

RRI Spanish

¡Queridos amigos!, uno de los transmisores de onda corta ubicado en
Ţigăneşti cerca de Bucarest, que emite los programas de RRI, tiene problemas
técnicos. Debido al mal funcionamiento, la transmisión digital (estándar
DRM) de los programas de RRI también se ha visto afectada. Algunas de las
transmisiones afectadas se transmiten provisionalmente por el emisor de onda
corta desde Săftica, cerca de la capital.

Radiocom, el proveedor de servicios de transmisión, ha anunciado que,
lamentablemente, tomará varias semanas hasta que se reemplacen los
componentes defectuosos.

Durante este periodo, podrán escuchar los programas de RRI en la segunda
frecuencia que emitimos en onda corta, según la tabla de frecuencias
publicada en nuestra página web.

Las siguientes frecuencias se han visto afectadas:

00.00 – 01.00 engleză 7,375 New York
01.00 – 02.00 franceză 7,375 Montreal
02.00 – 03.00 español 7,375 Méjico
03.00 – 04.00 engleză 7,375 Los Angeles
04.00 – 04.30 chineză 15,220 Beijing
04.30 – 05.00 rusă 7,305 Moscova
05.00 – 05.30 franceză 15,340 Africa Centrală
06.30 – 07.00 arabă 9,740 Alger
09.00 – 10.00 (duminica) română 15,130 Alger
10.00 – 11.00 franceză 15,130 Alger
11.00 – 12.00 engleză 15,130 Londra
12.00 – 12.30 arabă 15,130 Alger
12.30 – 13.00 chineză 15,160 Beijing
13.00 – 14.00 rusă 11,940 Novosibirsk
14.00 – 15.00 germană 7,355 Berlin
15.00 – 15.30 rusă 9,580 Moscova
15.30 – 16.00 arabă 11,830 Alger
16.00 – 17.00 (luni-sâmbătă) română 9,590 Israel
16.00 – 17.00 (duminica) ebraică 9,590 Israel
17.00 – 18.00 engleză 9,760 Londra
18.00 – 19.00 germană 6,090 Berlin
19.00 – 20.00 español 11,850 Madrid
20.30 – 21.00 engleză 11,850 New York
21.00 – 22.00 español 11,650 Buenos Aires
22.00 – 23.00 engleză 7,325 Tokyo
23.00 – 24.00 español 9,700 Buenos Aires

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, August 03, 2019 8:55 AM
Subject: Radio Rumina Int.



There are technical difficulties with one of our shortwave transmitters in
Tiganesti near Bucharest. The DRM transmission at certain times could be
affected. Some of our programs are therefore temporarily transmitted by our
transmitter in Saftica. According to the national "Company Radiocom" will
take the replacement of the defective devices several weeks. During this
time, we ask you to use the second frequency available on our website to
listen to RRI's broadcasts.

The following frequencies of the German service are affected:

For the midday broadcast the frequency is 7355 kHz.
For the evening broadcast the frequency 6090 kHz.

You can dodge at 9600 kHz at noon and 9570 kHz in the evening.

73s paul (Gager-AUT, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 2)


Radio Romania International replace partly Tiganesti by Saftica TX units. | 0 comments |
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