JRX Logs_ July 23, 2019 Receiver (s)_ XHDATA D-808 Antenna (s)_ Degen DE31 Active Antenna
CHINA ** 9800. Jul 23, 2019. 0023-0030, China Radio International, Kashgar-CHN, in Spanish. Man talks about chinese economy, within the program "Al Ritmo de China"; 0023 Man and woman comments about the global environment; ID. Excellent reception here, 55555. CUBA ** 4765. Jul 23, 2019. 0111-0122, Radio Progreso, Bauta-CUB, in Spanish. Man announcer presents a musical program with good cuban songs. Poor reception, 25422. ** 5025. Jul 23, 2019. 0136-0145, Radio Rebelde, Bauta-CUB, in Spanish. Man announcer in conversation with a man; ID. Poor to barely audible reception, 25422 to 25411. ** 5040. Jul 23, 2019. 0146-0154, Radio Habana Cuba, Bauta-CUB, in Spanish. Program "Actualidad Deportiva"- sport news and man announcer in conversation with a woman; ID. Poor reception, 25422 (usually fair to good). RUSSIA ** 4625-USB. Jul 23, 2019. 0103-0110, UVB-76,The Buzzer, Naro-Fominsk-RUS. Fair reception here, this night, 35553. USA ** 4840. Jul 23, 2019. 0123-0130, WWCR3, Nashville-TN, in English. Man pastor preaching, presumably. Barely audible reception here today, 25411. ** 5085. Jul 23, 2019. 0155-0202, WTWW, Lebanon-TN, in English. Songs and male voice. Poor to barely audible, 25422 to 25411. ** 5935. Jul 23, 2019. 0216-0223, University Network, Nashville-TN, in English. Pastor Melissa Scott makes your usaual sermon. Fair reception, 35433. ** 9955. Jul 23, 2019. 0131-0048, WRMI-Bible Commentary, Okeechobee-FL, in English. Man pastor reads and comments about many Bible themes and Gospel chapters. Good reception this night here, 45544. ** 10000. Jul 23, 2019. 0048-0053, WWV Colorado, Fort Collins-CO, in English. Man announcer says, in english, a UTC time each a minute, and supplemented by time pips each a second. Unusual good reception of this Time Signal Station at this night in my area, 45554. JRX_Jose Ronaldo Xavier SWARL Callsign PR7036SWL Cabedelo, Brazil (UTC-3) _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/