A> this is the final repeat on the two posts with propagations graphics Its very importat to have others opinions.Please be to the point.Do you disagree with my comments and if yes why? Is there anything other i miss? https://zliangaslogs.blogspot.com/2019/06/quite-unusual-b-loglisting-with-k-sdrs.html and https://zliangaslogs.blogspot.com/2019/06/various-systems-as-you-will-see-in.html or https://app.box.com/s/dxnwtvuh0li6z1i35ige5o7e6g2ez14j for a joint PDF made in a frinds computer.
Two more logs are already posted in blogpost B> Its very important to consinder that sending any email __in once __ to 80 recipeints inluding mail lists and separately twitter, , FC & Msgr groups requires less than 8 minutes . Sendig manually to each group can *arise* up to 1 hour. Add also the latency between the tablet-router at a distance of 8 meter.... You as viewer, have to do is a simple -control clicking- to start a new tab in your browser and read it. If this matters your time, consider my time for sending postings separetly . The posibly logical alternative way is using **anothers computer** to PDFize the ** blog text with images** in the waste of outdoor time (ie 'work' time) using anothers computer then upload to the 'cloud' and finally provide as link to you. Once again : valid ONLY FOR BLOGTEXT WiTH IMAGES C> MY tablet is much outdated so it cant do anything other except blogging, discussing in mesenger and posting emaills [with attatchents if required] in Gmail with autocorreect off, as noticed too many times in my logs page Any other service is barely supported as application. (Dropbox) or under Chrome (attachements in yahoo or iogroups no longer working) . Its a 9"model 1-core , with mini round adaptor plug, and external keyboard. Bought 6.5 years ago that still works 90% perfectly, though batery needs recahrging in less than 1 hour. PLease undserstnd the siutation before repltying to me _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/