** CUBA. 6100, UT Monday June 17 at 0620, RHC English S9+20/30 but suptorted; I can tell it`s Arnie but combined with his slurred speech it`s really hard to understand what he is saying on `DXers Unlimited`. // 6165 is weaker but a bit clearer. 6060 & 6000 are OFF. 5040 is still on and in English, S9+20 but with a big hum --- and in a few seconds, modulation stops except for the hum, as I guess the sloppyrators are finally about to turn it off late. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 13740, June 17 at 1350, RHC is VP only S6-S8, unusually much weaker than // 13700 at S9+10/20. At least neither is off-frequency nor putting out spurs. But something`s still always wrong at RHC. 1351 starts `Estampas de Cuba` show which is not about stamps --- altho run across for years, appears nowhen on program sked http://www.radiohc.cu/interesantes/programacion nor via audio on demand archive: http://www.radiohc.cu/audios A truly secret show! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1986 monitoring: confirmed Sunday June 16 at 2130 on WRMI 7780, JBA. Also confirmed UT Monday June 17 at 0130 on WRMI 9395, good, following the crazy ``SonPower Radio on 5850, 7455 and 9395`` ID. Also confirmed UT Monday June 17 at 0230 on WRMI 7780, JBA. Also confirmed UT Monday June 17 from 0302 on WBCQ-6, 9330.00, during a SuperStation test carrying Area 51 programming; VG S9+30/40!! while on original 5130.371 it`s JBA. Unfortunately there is no assurance or expectation that any WOR on 9330 will become permanent. Also confirmed UT Monday June 17 at 0330 on WRMI 9955; a few minutes earlier it was S9+10. Also confirmed Monday June 17 starting at 1816.30 on IRRS/NEXUS 7290 via Romania, VG via UTwente SDR, strong modulation, and no ACI or CCI. Tuned in at 1814 to some talk about gout! And into Aïda theme before WOR started, and ended at 1845:15; ID and 1846 Feature Story News from London. After 1900 I noticed that Dan Roberts` Shortwave Report` was playing, i.e. recordings of a few of his favorite stations; not a DX show. WOR 1986 also confirmed UT Tuesday June 18 at 0100 on WRMI 7780, JBA. Next: 0800 UT Tuesday Unique Radio 5045-USB NSW [2 editions] 2100 UT Wednesday WRMI 9955 2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v [and/or 2130] 0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 0930 UT Friday Unique Radio 5045-USB NSW [it appears we will now be running on a Friday-to-Thursday cycle, so freshest new airings are on weekends] Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 9330.00, June 16 at 2103, WBCQ-6 is back on testing, S9+25 with gospel huxter, ID, rock music; while 7490+ is JBA at the Sunday hour scheduled for `Marion`s Attic` which is unlistenable most of the year on that lower daytime frequency. Too bad it`s not appearing on 9330 --- retune at 2114, now old music, as `Attic` has been picked up, late! Enough bigsig into the NRD-545 for AMS wideband listening --- but in this case, it just boosts the scratches on the inherently lo-fi music. VG except for some selective fading. Presumably well over 100 kW, but no news yet that WBCQ has run the new Continental at fullbore 500 kW. No time here for continuous listening, so I wonder if the next 7490 program, `UBMP`, followed on 9330 at 2200? Harry Shearer`s `Le Show` would be next at 2300, but must not have been as no such closing on 9330 before 2400. At 0000 UT Monday June 17, 9330 starting `Johnny Lightning`, so now it`s duplicating Area 51 programming fromo 5130+v. Spot chex during next trihour show he`s live and aware he`s also on 9330 this week. We were hoping A51 would stick past 0300, since that would put WORLD OF RADIO on 9330 --- and so it did, starting slightly late at 0302; and HRI followed, but at 0400 there is disco music for an hour (?). After 0500 ID and old `Allan Weiner Worldwide` playback from the era when Angela was merely his girlfriend; but you never know if or when he will mention the current YOOL date of the original live broadcast. 9330.00 at 0616 is still on with rock music at S9+20/30, strongest signal on band. 9330.14, June 17 at 1305 next check, now back to the ``classic`` transmitter, off-frequency with Brother Scare. Which number applies to it? 9330.00, June 17 at 2100 is next check, now on caradio, when #6 is back on with another `AWWW` playback, but cosmikdebris and Jane substituting, originally on March 29, 2019 as conveniently announced at the outset. First topic is the HAARP tests by Amanda Dawn Christie, then current. As usual, when Larry Will is doing it, he plays a good deal of music during the hour, which AW never does. VG signal has no trouble stopping the BST-1 memory scan. Unchecked what appeared in the 22-23 hour, but at 2300, ``WTO`` again and 2303 AW himself starting another WW playback, this time with date April 4. 2019, ``didn`t want to get political, but ---`` initial rant against income tax, which he says is illegal since the XVI Amendment was never ratified by enough states. Really? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tax_protester_Sixteenth_Amendment_arguments The hour before 0100 UT June 18 has more rock music; at 0100 yet another `AWWW` playback, starting with cabinet resignations in Canada some months ago, which Canadian Angela should have been following. Concludes with `news` that Brother Stair is out of jail. 0200 back to rock music. AW`s twits and WBCQ website are not giving any info about 9330 programming during these tests. Program guide is even more out of date than before, claiming e.g. that WOR is on 9330 almost daily at 2330, which stopped well over a year ago (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 12060-12120 approx., June 16 at 2112, WEWN-FM still here peaking around 12078 at S7-S5, Spanish, while correct AM frequency 12050 is only S1-S4. Most of the power is going out on this horrible spur. Night frequency in Spanish 5970 has no such problems, a different transmitter. Kai Ludwig says, ``I'd say the error pattern points at the modulator as culprit``, 12065-12095 approx., June 17 at 1309, WEWN-FM centered a bit higher around 12085, Spanish and music, vs VOA Korean 12080; while WEWN 12050 is JBA. There has been a lot of discussion of this on the WOR iog, and I have forwarded some of it to Glen Tapley at WEWN. Finally started getting replies June 17, culminating at 1648 with: ``Glenn, Appreciate your info. Can your contacts take another look this afternoon? I think we may have it under control but would appreciate feedback. Thanks, Glen`` Such as this from Jim Barrett - Elmira, NY, who has been following this major problem closely, to the WOR io group: ``At 1815 UT Jun 17, WEWN 12050 noted on my local SDR in the northeastern US with clean modulation, though a somewhat weak signal. Perhaps they had to cut back overall transmitter power to prevent the distortion. Checked the KiwiSDR in Key West, FL where it is a bit stronger`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) This report dispatched at 0207 UT June 18 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/