All frequencies 360 meters (time sharing) unless noted.
Earl C Anthony, KFI Beacon Light CO., KNR Bible Institute of LA, KJS Braun Corp., KXS Bullock's, KNN City Dye Works and Laundry, KUS Irving S Cooper, KZI Electric Lighting Supply Co., KNX Kieruiff & Co, C. R., KHJ Arno A Kluge, KQL Los Angeles Examiner, KWH Leo J Meyberg Co., KYJ (360, 485) Pomona Fixture & Wiring CO., KGF Radio Supply Co., KNV Standard Radio Co., KJC Western Electric Radio Co., KOG Some others of possible interest: Westinghouse Electric Co., KDKA Warner Brothers, KLS (Oakland CA) I hope this was accurately typed, used my cellphone. Enjoy. 73 de Joe, KJ8O