SWLDXBulgaria News May 23-24 (publications №19871-№19888) CHINA Weak/fair signal of PBS Xizang Holy Tibet, May 23 0700-0800 on 9580 LHA 100 kW / 290 deg to EaAs Englishhttps://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/05/weakfair-signal-of-pbs-xizang-holy_24.html
CHINA Reception of China National Radio-1 in DRM, May 24 0100-0900 on 15580 DOF 030 kW / 016 deg to EaAs Chinesehttps://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/05/reception-of-china-national-radio-1-in.html EGYPT Mystery Egyptian Music Station on 9550 kHz, May 23 0900-0910 on 9550 unknown tx / unknown to ????, weak signalhttps://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/05/reception-of-mystery-egyptian-music_24.html EGYPT Mystery Egyptian Music Station on 9400 kHz, May 24 0815-0818 on 9400 unknown tx / unknown to ????, fair signalhttps://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/05/reception-of-mystery-egyptian-music_31.html FRANCE(non) TDA Telediffusion d'Algerie via TDF Issoudun on May 23: 1800-1859 on 13820 ISS 500 kW / 162 deg to CEAf Arabic Holy Quran px* 1900-1959 on 11985 ISS 500 kW / 162 deg to CEAf Arabic Holy Quran px* 1900-1959 on 12060 ISS 500 kW / 194 deg to NWAf Arabic Holy Quran px* 2000-2059 on 9510 ISS 500 kW / 194 deg to NWAf Arabic Holy Quran px 2000-2059 on 9655 ISS 500 kW / 162 deg to CEAf Arabic Holy Quran px 2100-2159 on 5930 ISS 500 kW / 194 deg to NWAf Arabic Holy Quran px 2100-2159 on 9655 ISS 500 kW / 160 deg to CEAf Arabic Holy Quran px 2200-2259 on 5930 ISS 500 kW / 194 deg to NWAf Arabic Holy Quran px* *xx03-xx13 news in Frenchhttps://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/05/reception-of-tda-telediffusion-dalgerie.html GERMANY(non) Sawtu Linjiila Voice of Gospel via MBR Issoudun, May 23 1830-1900 on 15315 ISS 500 kW / 180 deg to WCAf Fulfulde Mon-Thu, goodhttps://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/05/radio-sawtu-linjiila-voice-of-gospel.html GREECE Reception of Voice of Greece on 9420 kHz, May 23: 0650&0655 on 9420 AVL 150 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek*tx#3 *Arabic/Serbian nx and transmitter switches off at 0704UT.https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/05/reception-of-voice-of-greece-on-9420_24.html GREECE Reception of Voice of Greece on 9420 kHz, May 24: 0653&0657 on 9420 AVL 150 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek*tx#3 *Arabic/Serbian nx and transmitter switches off at 0737UT.https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/05/reception-of-voice-of-greece-on-9420_21.html KUWAIT MOI Radio Kuwait in English on 2 frequencies in // in 19mb, May 23: 0500-0800 on 15529.8 KBD 250 kW / 310 deg to WeEu English, as scheduled A-19 0500-0800 on 15515.0 KBD 250 kW / 059 deg to EaAs English, instead Arabic GS 0800-0900 on 15515.0 KBD 250 kW / 059 deg to EaAs Persian, instead Arabic GShttps://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/05/moi-radio-kuwait-in-english-on-2.html MALAYSIA Very weak signal of RTM Wai/Limbang FM, May 23 from 0815 on 11665 KAJ 100 kW / 093 deg to SEAs Malaysianhttps://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/05/very-weak-signal-of-rtm-wailimbang-fm.html NUMBERS STATION Good signal of E11 Oblique in 19mb on May 24 0745-0748 on 15720 unknown secret tx site to Eu English USB modehttps://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/05/good-signal-of-e11-oblique-in-19mb-on.html NUMBERS STATION Reception of S06s Russian Lady in 40HAM mb, May 24 0900-0906 on 6844 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian USB+AM, weak 0910-0916 on 7161 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian USB+AM, fairhttps://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/05/reception-of-s06s-russian-lady-in-40ham_24.html ROMANIA/KUWAIT Radio Romania Int & Radio Kuwait in DRM, May 23: 0600-0626 on 7325.0 TIG 090 kW / 307 deg to WeEu German DRM mode 0500-0800 on 11969.8 KBD 250 kW / 100 deg to SoAs English DRM modehttps://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/05/radio-romania-international-radio.html SUDAN(non) Reception of Radio Tamazuj and Radio Dabanga on May 23 Radio Tamazuj 1459-1528 on 15150 MDC 250 kW / 340 deg to EaAf Juba Arabic, very good 1459-1528 on 15400 ISS 250 kW / 139 deg to EaAf Juba Arabic, very good Radio Dabanga 1529-1558 on 13745 ISS 250 kW / 139 deg to EaAf Juba Arabic, very good 1529-1558 on 15550 SMG 250 kW / 150 deg to EaAf Juba Arabic, very goodhttps://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/05/reception-of-radio-tamazuj-and-radio.html U.K.(non) Radio Ranginkaman via ENC-DMS Grigoriopol on May 23: 1730-1800 on 7580 KCH 300 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Farsi, very goodhttps://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/05/reception-of-radio-ranginkaman-via-enc.html U.K.(non) FEBA Radio Radio Sama via ENC-DMS Moosbrunn on May 24 till 0800 on 15260 WOF 250 kW / 158 deg to CeAf BBC World Service 0800-0830 on 15260 MOS 100 kW / 115 deg to N/ME Arabic, very goodhttps://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/05/feba-radio-radio-sama-via-enc-dms.html UTILITY Reception of LZW Varna Radio in 80mb on May 23 0708&0715 on 3740 USB mode Bulgarian/English, weak/fairhttps://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/05/reception-of-lzw-varna-radio-in-80mb-on_24.html UZBEKISTAN(non) North Korea Reform Radio via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, May 23 2030-2130 on 7505 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, fair to good signal:https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/05/north-korea-reform-radio-via-rrtm_24.html -- 73! Ivo Ivanov More information on the shortwave listening hobby, please visit to http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com
QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria Receiver: Afedri SDR Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection) Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas. QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D Antenna: 30 m. long wire _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/