Today it's Thursday, LRA 36, Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel, Base Esperanza is on air again.Station heard in Brazil, Paraguay, and Northern Holland in Europe, but not in Santiago Chile, nor in TWR Africa unit at Johannesbourg South Africa Republic. ANTARCTICA 15475.973 kHz LRA 36 noted even here in Europe in northern Holland SDR near Texel island. at 17.45-18.13 UT on May 9th. S=3 or -111dBm in Caballero, Paraguay. S=3 or -109dBm in Campo, Sao Paulo, mx program at 17.53 UT. NIL in Santiago Chile. NIL in Storinha RS, Brazil. S=6 or -90dBm PY2BS / PE Atlantic Ocean stn, RJ, Brazil nice signal. S=8-9 or -77dBm in PY2HY / PE / WFG at 1802 UT, best signal tonight. NIL TWR Africa SDR at Johannesbourg, RSA/AFS. S=1 or -123dBm JBA, in Holland/Belgium border area SDR. S=4-5 or -102dBm noted in remote SDR near Texel island in Holland. USA Nearby 15810even kHz S=5 signal seemingly WTWW heard here in Europe at 18.13 UT. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews May 9) ANTARCTICA LRA 36, Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel, letter and photo received from the station.
15476 kHz LRA 36, Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel, Base Esperanza, I send an email to the station telling them the reception here in Lugo is very weak, and the best time to hear the station in Europe is the old one from LRA 26, 1800-2100 UT, and they replay with a PDF letter and a photo. In the letter they say they are on air since 19th March, short wave, 15476 kHz, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 0930 to 1100 Argentinian time (1230 to 1400 UT), and they are working to schedule an evening program, to try to reach more listeners with best quality reception. (Manuel Mendez-Lugo-ESP, hcdx April 9) 15476 LRA 36 on-air now. Again the traditional communication by female voices from the Radio Nacional San Gabriel Arcangel. 24332. (Rudolf Grimm Sao Bernardo SP, A-DX ng April 16) _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list