Thanks Glenn for this complicated pseudo-private Marti/TV Marti
/ Cuban emigrants Miami radio politics,
... i.e. 9490 kHz night service back the Atlantic
via TDF ISS Republica a.s.o of April 26
has still only the lonely 07-11 UT US morning request
of USA IBB organization
5980 0700 1000 11 GB 250 184 24 216 1234567
310319 261019 D 8750 Spa USA IBB IBB 16017
so, the Romanian RadioCom frequency manager
was misled by the database entries of US_IBB / FCC.
Often times something wrong in TrumP's empire ...
It will not be difficult to find another free 3-channel slot
in the 49 meterband range for the Romanians ...
and to bow to the Trump / Greenville local power.
the band is so unspeakably empty in this time.
73 wb
----- Original Message -----
From: "Glenn Hauser [dxld]" <>
To: <>; <>; <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2019 3:30 AM
Subject: [dxld] Re: clash on 59805980, checked at 0053 UT April 30: this is not VOA in Spanish, but TV Marti,
per numerous IDs after an interview about the elexions in Spain. Possibly
they mentioned Voz de America at some point. Heavy jamming, but TVM on top..
Not hearing any RRI in the mix at first, but detectable at 0111, // 7420 in
the clear. TVM also plugged again the secure website to access it, could not
copy but seems to end in .info
So far I have not found a reference to that on the insecure site or
On Tue, 4/30/19, Wolfgang Bueschel <> wrote:
Subject: Re: [WOR] [dxld] Glenn Hauser logs April 28-29, 2019
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2019, 12:34 AM
ROMANIA/USA 5980 kHz checked
again at 00.20 - 00.30 UT on April 30:
terrible mixture of both co-channel
in MI, FL, NY, NJ at S=9+30dB level,
Voz de America Greenville NC-USA Spanish, and
RRI Galbeni Romania,
but in
central Europe, and at Blackpool England SDR
rather POWERHOUSE S=9+55db ... +60dBm signal at
00.23 UT.
is Bill Whitacre
IBB RMS reading this newsgroup ?
73 wolfie df5sx
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