Manuel MÃndez Lugo, Spain
Log in Lugo, Fiol and Reinante Tecsun S-8800, cable antenna, 8 meters ANTARCTICA, 15476, LRA 36, Radio Nacional ArcÃngel San Gabriel, Base Esperanza, *1300-1505*, 26-03. Here in Lugo carrier detected on 15476.0, but no audio due to the weak signal, except at 1500, signal improve and some songs detected with extremely weak audio. Via SDR Kiwi remote receivers in Pardinho, Sao Paulo and Paraguay, 15475.97, clear signal, songs,comments by women, Spanish with Argentinian accent,id. at 1357: "Pueden escribirnos a Radio Nacional ArcÃngel San Gabriel, nuestra direcciÃn de correo electrÃnico, vamos a escuchar una canciÃn", songs, at 1403 "Continuamos con el programa Compartiendo Esperanza". Non stop songs. close at 1505. Yesterday, 25-03 out of air. (MÃndez) BRAZIL 4885, Radio Clube do ParÃ, BelÃm, 0615-0645, 31-03, Brazilian songs, id. â... Radio Clube do ParÃ...â. 25432. (MÃndez) 4985, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 0615-0629, 29-03, Brazilian songs. Teletype interference. 12311. (MÃndez) 6134.8, Radio Aparecida, Aparecida, 0735-0744, 29-03, Portuguese, religious, âSanto Rosarioâ. 15321. (MÃndez) CONGO, 6115, Radio Congo, Brazaville, 0610-0621, 29-03, French, comments, African songs. 14321. (MÃndez) CONGO, D. R., Radio Kahuzi, Bukaku, 1720-1733*, 27-03, Vernacular, comments. Extremely weak due to increase of day light in the northern hemisphere. In a few days will be impossible to hear this station here. Signal cut off abruptly at 1733. Usual close at about 1800. 15311. (MÃndez) ETHIOPIA, 5950, Voice of Tigray Revolution, Addis Ababa, 1605-1635, 27-03, East African songs, Vernacular, comments. 14211. (MÃndez) GUATEMALA, 4055, Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, 0545-0616*, 27-03, English, Spanish, religious comments and songs, id. in several languages, âEsta es la estaciÃn evangÃlica Radio Verdad...â, anthem and close. 15221. (MÃndez) GERMANY 6085, Radio Mi Amigo, Kall Krekel, 1712-1728, 28-03, pop songs in English, id. âMi Amigo, Mi Amigoâ. 35433. (MÃndez) 6190, Hamburger LokalRadio, Gohren, *0700-0800, 30-03, English, id. âHamburger LokalRadioâ, programs âMedia Network Plus and âWorld of Radioâ. 25322. (MÃndez) 7265, Hamburger LokalRadio, Ghoren, 0908-0920, 31-03, German, comments. 25422. (MÃndez) GUINEA, 9650, Radio Guinea, Conakry, *0630-0815, 30-03, African songs, French, comments, id. âRadio GunÃeâ, at 0800 French, news. 44444. (MÃndez) HOLLAND FRS Holland, 5800, 0900-0915, 31-03, pop songs, German, comments, âGerman Showâ. 15321. // 7700 (MÃndez) FRS Holland, 7700, commencing at *0803-0915, 31-03 a song, English, "FRS Magazine", mentioned the American band "Chicago", "The Free Radio Service Holland", asking for reception reports, more songs in English, at 0900 German, âGerman Showâ. 35433. Also 1045-1115, 31-03, program âFRS Holland goes DXâ with Peter Verbruggen, English. 35433. (MÃndez) INDIA 4800, AIR, Hyderabad, 1723-1733, 30-03, Hindi music, at 1730 English, news. Strong QEM from China on the same frequency. 21421. (MÃndez) 4810, AIR, Bhopal, 1724-1732, 30-03, Hindi music, at 1730 English, news. 15321. (MÃndez) 4910, AIR, Jaipur, 1725-1733, 30-03, Hindi music, at 1730 English, news. 15311. (MÃndez) 4920, AIR, Chennai, 1726-1734, 30-03, Hindi music, at 1730 English, news. Strong QRM from China on the same frequency. 12311. (MÃndez) 5010, AIR, Thiruvananthapuram, seems to be out of air for about two weeks. 5040, AIR, Jeypore, 1721-1733, 30-03, Hindi songs, at 1730 English, news. 15311. (MÃndez) MALI, 5995, Radio Mali, Bamako *0554-0630, 28-03, music, anthem, tuning music, 0600: "Vous Ãcoutez la Office de Radiofusion Televison de Mali Ãmettant de Bamako. Nous Ãmettons en ondes courtes dans la bande de 49 mÃtres, 5995 kHz, 61 mÃtres, 4835 kHz, 60 mÃtres, 4783 kHz kHz. Pour le district de Bamako et ?? nous Ãmettons en modulation de frÃquence dans la bande de ??? mHz, pour la ... nationale... mHz pour ... la Office de Radiofusion Television de Mali, Ãmettan de Banako.", Vernacular, French, program âORTM Matinâ, news, comments, âORTM, la passion du service publicâ, âVous Ãcoutez la Radio Nationale de Maliâ, African songs. 35433. (MÃndez) Also 1850-1915, 30-03, African songs, id. âLa Radio Nationale de Maliâ, at 1857 Saturday En glish program: â...Welcome to our weekly magazine... comes to you at 1850 UTC...â, âThe end of todayâs magazine.. we will be back next Saturday...â. End of English program at 1911. 9635, Radio Mali, Bamako, 1712-1802, 26-03, Vernacular comments, female, mentioned "Bamako", "Mali", African songs, tunig music and identification at 1801 id.: "Vous Ãcoutez la Office de Radiofusion Televison de Mali Ãmettant de Bamako. Nous Ãmettons en ondes courtes dans la bande de 49 mÃtres, 5995 kHz, 61 mÃtres, 4835 kHz, 60 mÃtres, 4783 kHz kHz. Pour le district de Bamako et ?? nous Ãmettons en modulation de frÃquence dans la bande de ??? mHz, pour la ... nationale... mHz pour ... la Office de Radiofusion Television de Mali, Ãmettan de Banako.". 43433. (MÃndez) MEXICO, 6185, Radio EducaciÃn, Ciudad de MÃxico, 0607-0621* , 26-03, Spanish, news, âLas noticias de Radio Francia Internacionalâ. News cut off abruptly at 0621. 25322. Also 0559-0614*, 29-03, music, anthem id. Spanish, comments, at 0607 Radio France International news in Spanish. Signal cut off at 0614. 15321 SUDAN, 9505, Voice of Africa, Al Aitahab, 1715-1727, 27-03, English, news about Sudan and other African countries, id. âVoice of Africaâ, âThe headlinesâ, âBroadcasting to you from Sudan on 9505 kHz, this is The Voice of Africaâ, East African songs. 34433. (MÃndez) SURINAM, 4990, Radio Apintie, Paramaribo, 0603-0633, 29-03, pop songs in English. 15321. (MÃndez) TANZANIA, 11735, Zanzibar Broadcasting Corporation, Dole, 1740-1805, 28-03, Swahili, comments. . 14321. (MÃndez) ZAMBIA, 5915, Zambia NBC, Radio 1, 1755-1822, 25-03, Vernacular, at 1800 English, id. âZambia Broadcasting Corporationâ news in English at 1817 âThis is the end of the news, good eveningâ, advertisements in English and Vernacular comments. 24322. Also 1735-1804, 27-03, Vernacular comments. 14321. (MÃndez) _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list