SWLDXBulgaria News March 1-2 (publications â18531-â18555) BRASIL Fair signal of Radio Voz Missionaria in 31mb, March 1 from 0630 on 9664.6 CAB 010 kW / 030 deg to BRA Portuguese:https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/03/fair-signal-of-radio-voz-missionaria-in.html
BRASIL Reception of Time Signal Station Observatorio Nacional, March 1 from 2130 on 10000 unknown tx / unknown to BRA Portuguese CUSB, fair:https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/03/reception-of-time-signal-station.html DENMARK Fair signal of World Music Radio Denmark on March 1: from 0828 on 15805 RND 0.2 kW /non-dir to WeEu English Fri-Sun from 0918 on 15805 RND 0.2 kW /non-dir to WeEu NO SIGNAL TX OFFhttps://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/03/fair-signal-of-world-music-radio.html EGYPT Mystery Egyptian Music Station on 9550 kHz, March 2 0815-0820 on 9550 unknown tx / unknown to ????, fair/good:https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/03/reception-of-mystery-egyptian-music_2.html ESWATINI Reception of Trans World Radio Africa in 19&25mb, March 1 1557-1627 on 15105 MAN 100 kW / 013 deg to SoAf Kirundi, very good 1630-1645 on 11660 MAN 100 kW / 013 deg to EaAf Kambaata very goodhttps://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/03/reception-of-trans-world-radio-africa.html GERMANY(non) Reception of Voice of Oromo Liberation via MBR Nauen, March 1 1700-1730 on 9610 NAU 100 kW / 144 deg to EaAf Afan Oromo Wed/Fri/Sun, goodhttps://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/03/reception-of-voice-of-oromo-liberation_2.html GERMANY(non) New time of Radio Waves International via Channel 292 on March 2: 0700-0800 on 6070 ROB 010 kW / non-dir to CeEu English/French Sat, ex 0800-0900https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/03/new-time-of-radio-waves-international.html GERMANY(non) Reception of World of Radio via HLR on 6190 kHz CUSB, March 2: 0730-0800 on 6190 GOH 001 kW / 230 deg to CeEu English Sat, very good signalhttps://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/03/reception-of-world-of-radio-via-hlr-on.html GREECE Reception of Voice of Greece on 9420 kHz, March 1 0753&0757 on 9420 AVL 150 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek*tx#3 *Arabic/Serbian nx, the transmitter switches off at 0801UThttps://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/03/reception-of-voice-of-greece-on-9420_2.html GREECE Reception of Voice of Greece on 9420 kHz, March 2 0700&0800 on 9420 AVL 150 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek tx#3https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/03/reception-of-voice-of-greece-on-9420_60.html GUINEA Fair signal of Radio GuinÃe Conakry on March 1 from 0630 on 9650 CON 050 kW / non-dir to WeAf French:https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/03/fair-signal-of-radio-guinee-conakry-on.html INDIA Good signal of All India Radio in 22mb, March 1 1325-1330 on 13695 BGL 500 kW / 120 deg to SEAs Music & 1330-1500 on 13695 BGL 500 kW / 120 deg to SEAs Englishhttps://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/03/good-signal-of-all-india-radio-in-22mb.html MADAGASCAR World Christian Broadcast Madagascar World Voice, March 1: KNLS New Life Station 1800-1900 on 11885 MWV 100 kW / 355 deg to EaEu Russian tx#2, very good 1900-2000 on 9690 MWV 100 kW / 355 deg to EaEu Russian tx#3, very good Radio Feda 1900-2000 on 11965 MWV 100 kW / 355 deg to N/ME Arabic tx#2, very good Palavra Alegre, instead of African Pathways Radio in English 2000-2100 on 11965 MWV 100 kW / 295 deg to CeAf Portug. tx#3, weak/fair The Light of Life 2100-2200 on 11610 MWV 100 kW / 325 deg to WeEu Chinese tx#2, weak/fair Palavra Alegre 2100-2200 on 11965 MWV 100 kW / 265 deg to SoAm Portug. tx#3, no signalhttps://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/03/world-christian-broadcast-madagascar.html NUMBERS STATION Good signal of E11 Oblique in 31mb, March 1 0715-0718 on 9963 unknown secret tx site to Eu English USBhttps://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/03/good-signal-of-e11-oblique-in-31mb.html NUMBERS STATION S06s Russian Lady & Radio Free Afghanistan in 25mb on March 1 0930-0936 on 12140 unknown secret tx site to Eu Russian CUSB S06s Russian Lady 0930-1030 on 12140 KWT 250 kW / 070 deg to WeAs Pashto Radio Free Afghanistan:https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/03/s06s-russian-lady-radio-free.html NUMBERS STATION Good signal of S11a Cherta in 41mb, March 1 1020-1023 on 7469 unknown secret tx site to Eu English USB:https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/03/good-signal-of-s11a-cherta-in-41mb.html OMAN Radio Sultanate of Oman/Nation Station Oman FM 90.4 on March 1 1400-1410 on 15140 THU 100 kW / 315 deg to WeEu no signal, tx is off, 1410-1411 on 15140 THU 100 kW / 315 deg to WeEu open carrier/dead air 1411-1508 on 15140 THU 100 kW / 315 deg to WeEu English, distorted & from 1508 on 15140 THU 100 kW / 315 deg to WeEu Arabic, good audiohttps://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/03/radio-sultanate-of-omannation-station.html ROMANIA(non) Reception of Radio City via RADIOCOM SÄftica on March 2: 0900-1000 on 9510 SAF 100 kW / 300 deg to WeEu German Sat, fair signalhttps://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/03/reception-of-radio-city-via-radiocom.html SOUTH AFRICA Weak to fair signal of Channel Africa on March 1 0600-0655 on 11925 MEY 250 kW / 315 deg to WeAf English Mon-Frihttps://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/03/weak-to-fair-signal-of-channel-africa.html U.K.(non) Trans World Radio Africa via ENC-DMS Al-Dhabayya on March 1 1300-1315 on 17680 DHA 250 kW / 230 deg to EaAf Afar Thu-Sun, very goodhttps://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/03/trans-world-radio-africa-via-enc-dms-al.html U.K.(non) Reception of BBC via ENC-DMS Meyerton on March 1: from 1350 on 17640 MEY 250 kW / 328 deg to WeAf BBC World Sce 1400-1430 on 17640 MEY 250 kW / 328 deg to WeAf Hausa Mon-Fri from 1350 on 17745 MEY 250 kW / 032 deg to EaAf BBC announcement 1400-1500 on 17745 MEY 250 kW / 032 deg to EaAf Somali Daily:https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/03/reception-of-bbc-in-hausa-somali-via.html U.K.(non) Radio Ranginkaman via ENC-DMS via Grigoriopol, March 1 1730-1800 on 7560 KCH 300 kW / 116 deg to WeAs Farsi, good signalhttps://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/03/radio-ranginkaman-via-enc-dms-via.html USA Reception of Radio Slovakia International RSI via WRMI-1 on March 2 0000-0100 on 7780 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu Slovak/English, very goodhttps://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/03/reception-of-radio-slovakia.html USA(non) Unscheduled frequency of Radio Free Asia in Tibetan & Uyghur, March 1: 1500-1600 on 5885 unknown tx / unknown to CeAs Tibetan not TIN Tinian, very good 1600-1700 on 5885 unknown tx / unknown to CeAs Uyghur, not TIN Tinian, very good Radio Free Asia in Korean back on shortwave 3 hours per day on a single frequency 1500-1700 on 9985 unknown tx / unknown to EaAs Korean, not TIN Tinian, fair/good 2100-2200 on 9985 unknown tx / unknown to EaAs Korean, not TIN Tinian, very goodhttps://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/03/unscheduled-frequency-of-radio-free.html UZBEKISTAN(non) Frequency changes of Voice of Tibet on March 1 2300-2330 NF 7495 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 7499 2330-2400 NF 7499 DB 100 kW / 131 deg to CeAs Tibetan, ex 7504https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/03/frequency-changes-of-voice-of-tibet-in.html -- 73! Ivo Ivanov More information on the shortwave listening hobby, please visit to http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com
QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria Receiver: Afedri SDR Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection) Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas. QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D Antenna: 30 m. long wire _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/