** BRAZIL. 11780.010, Jan 25 at 1332, Brazilian talk and music but only S5-S8 as RNA is normally weak in our mornings. Recheck at 1425, no signal; at 1517 a JBA carrier which by now could be TWR SWAZILAND in Somali. Apparently RNA is not on continuously all-day (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 6000, Jan 25 at 0649, RHC English undermodulated // louder and louder: 6100 < 6165 < 6060 < 5040, the last of The Cuban Five, rather rough. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 15311, 15168, 15111, 15083, 15054, 14997, 14968, Jan 25 at 1319, weak wobbly spurs detectable out of 15140.0 RHC at approx. 28-29 kHz intervals. Something`s always wrong at RHC. At 1324 I find a similar spur further out, this one measured exactly at 14882.472, that is minus 257.528 kHz, but that means the separations would be 25.7528 kHz, less than about 28.6 otherwise indicated; so maybe 14882+ is really unrelated to these. I was also briefly distracted by some talk on 14980.0, but that`s receiver overload from 7490 WWCR X 2, going away with Preamp 2 off (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 13700, Jan 25 at 1422, this RHC is off but 13780 is on. 13700 is supposed to start at 1400. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NIGERIA. 7255-, Jan 25 at 0645, VON is back in presumed Hausa, S9+10/20, despite yesterday`s ``new morning frequency`` of 9689.9 as Ivo assumed. 7255- still on at 0704 check and no 9690 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TURKEY. 12035.7, Jan 25 at 1331, VOT English has just started but JBA, only enough to tell it`s an off-frequency day. Already off at 1422 recheck to hear if it`s built up as the Sun levants itself (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 5085, UT Fri Jan 25 at 0014, S9+20/30 of dead air from WTWW -2, with the weak parasitic spurs about 5072.1 & 5097.9. FWIW, websked claims: ``THE BOSS RADIO DREAM TEAM THE GREATEST HITS OF ALL TIME - WITH TED RANDALL- MONDAY - WEDNESDAY 8 PM - 12 AM CENTRAL ON 5085 THE GREATEST HITS OF ALL TIME - WITH STEVE TAYLOR - THURSDAY 8 PM - 12 AM CENTRAL ON 5085 THE GREATEST HITS OF ALL TIME - WITH GRANT HUDSON FRIDAY 8 PM - 12 AM CENTRAL ON 5085 THE GREATEST HITS OF ALL TIME - WITH JEFF LAURENCE - SATURDAY 8 PM - 12 AM CENTRAL ON 5085 THE GREATEST HITS OF ALL TIME - WITH BIG JIM EDWARDS - SUNDAY 8 PM - 12 AM CENTRAL ON 5085`` i.e. not starting until 0200 UT daily except Wed when there`s a ham show; and for only four hours until 0600, but sporadically stays on all night, or even all day, presumably automated beyond the ``dream team` DJ hours (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 1470, Jan 25 at 1349-1403 UT, I`m trying again to catch ``La Nueva 14-70 AM`` with a more definite ID, suspected reactivated KAIR Atchison KS, but no sign of it or any SS, mostly just KYYW Abilene TX mixing with KSMM Liberal KS; KYYW with ABC News at hourtop. Now I see a more likely one in the NRC AM Log: KWSL Sioux City IA, U1 2500/69 watts, SS:NOS format as ``La Nueva Preciosa 14-70``: https://lapreciosa987.iheart.com/ Nostalgic means going as far back as the `80s. And audio supposed to play thus: https://www.iheart.com/live/la-preciosa-987-fm-y-1470-4539/?pname=kwsl-am&campid=play_bar&cid=index.html to check for the slogan as I heard it, but includes an adstring in English after 1700 UT Jan 25, then a silly Mexican gabfest, ``Alex "El Genio" Lucas Show`` with no local IDs; http://www.alexelgeniolucas.com/ unclear whence it originate, but unseems local. Shows an 831-AC phone, which is around Salinas-Monterey CA. I keep trying to listen to the intermittent stream, and barely catch an ID at 1802 UT as ``La Preciosa - KWSL`` not `La Nueva`` and K254DL, as their otherwise top-billed FM 98.7 is of course really nothing but a mere 250-watt translator. Anyhow make my previous non-precious log tentatively KWSL (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 1520, Jan 25 at 1340 UT, KYND Cypress TX is *again/still* running that loop barker looking for clients rather than axual programming. It`s audible under KOKC, and occasionally topping my semi-local, as they are almost collinear so can`t null one to get the other. mentions how great their 25 kW coverage is of the sixth radio market (Houston), with phone (281) 373-1520. This is close to sunrise here, 1338 UT. KOKC ought to have no problem blotting this out, but has refused to restore its full potential of 50 kW ND. It seems I caught KYND on its first day back, per Mediafrog+ at https://www.radiodiscussions.com/showthread.php?714184-What-s-going-on-with-KYND-(Part-Two) First post from ``12-17-2018, 09:36 AM #1: What's going on with KYND? (Part Two) --- When checking KYND 1520 a number of times the past week or so, all I'm hearing is dead air. Not only do the owners have no clients to pay the bills, it would appear they are also content to set money on fire by transmitting 25,000 watts of nothing. What on earth is going on?`` And from ``Today, 12:01 AM #2: And an update: After six weeks of either being off the air or transmitting nothing but dead air, KYND was back this morning with its audio loop soliciting potential clients. Been almost 17 months without a paying customer for the station`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, Jan 25, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 12000, Jan 24 at 2244, the open carrier again, S4-S7; and Jan 25 at 1334, S9+10 with some deep fades to S4. Another possibility is some RTTY station which leaves its transmitter on all the time but only rarely sends something in that mode (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) This report dispatched at 1821 UT January 25 _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/