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log Jan 22 - 25   
Friday, January 25 2019


NIGERIA 7254.939 kHz VoNigeria Abuja.
Though there are some S=6-7 -85dBm signals into SDR units in western
Ireland, Belgium and Riviera Italy, also to MA US state coast at 0810 UT on
Jan 23, as well as S=4-5 -103dBm 'in-land' in Bavaria Germany,

I couldn't understand NOTHING of the program, low level audio, I could only
recognize male/female voice this morning.

re Moldova two spurs, nothing noted today Jan 23 at 0840 UT.
I guess has something to to with harsh winter condition also on Balkan,
i.e. ICING on feederlines or antenna dipols ?

PNG 3259.994 On Jan 22 at 11.25 UT noted - probably - R Madang in Pidgin
singer group performance, S=6 -90dBm signal on remote SDR in Brisbane

UNID INS / PNG ? 3325even fq, poor S=6 or -86dBm in Brisbane at 11.33 UT
on Jan 22.

KYRGYZ REPUBLIC On Jan 23 noted an UNID carrier on 5134.749 kHz
at 1510 UT, could it be Kyrgyztelekom at Krasnaya Rechka Bishkek warm-up
the small 15 kW TX unit ? scheduled religious in Dari/Persian,
irreg. few days a week.

CUBA Checked speedy 21.20 to 22..00 UT on Jan 23:
At 21.20 UT 9720 Bejucal NOT on air.
RHC French sce on both 15140even S=9+15dB in remote MA-US state. NX program
20 kHz wideband signal.
Same French also at 21.26 UT on 15370 kHz even, NOT Portuguese language
service, S=9+5dB at 21.28 UT.

SAUDI ARABIA 11820.044 BSKSA Riyadh, HQuran program prayer, 18-22 UT,
noted at 21.42 UT Jan 23. S=8 signal on remote units in Europe.

ARMENIA 5835even BBC sce in English via CJSC Yerevan Gavar Yerevan
Armenia, 14 kHz wideband audio signal, but at Gavar relay site on shortwave
these days scratching annoying terrible audio quality. I wonder why the BBC
London responsible tolerates such a bad audio transmission quality?
Jan 25 at 01.56 UT noted on remote Delhi India SDR unit.

AUSTRIA 5930even BBC London in Dari sce via ORS Moosbrunn Austria site,
much much, better audio compared to Gavar at 01.57 UT on Jan 25,
TX off at 01.59:40 UT; scheduled 01.30-02.00 UT. S=9+35dB in Delhi India.

TAJIKISTAN 4765.070 kHz still further now on odd fq unit,
from Yangi Yul Dushanbe site. On Jan 25 at 02.05 UT S=9+20dB noted
in Delhi India remote SDR.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 22 - 25)

----- Original Message -----
From: "'Wolfgang Bueschel' [bclnews]" <bclnews@yahoogroups.com>

To: "_ BCLNEWS" <bclnews@yahoogroups.com>; <hard-core-dx@hard-core-dx.com>;
"DXLD" <dxld@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2019 12:00 PM
Subject: [bclnews.it] Re: SWLDXBulgaria News Jan.22-23

Bcast centers in use are different during daytime, via
TDF Issoudun or Radiotelecentr (PRTC) transmitter Grigoriopol Maiac MDA.

11530even kHz, this Jan 25
at 10.43 UT S=9+25 or -52dBm signal in remote Doha Qatar site.

Nothing heard of the spurs yesterday noon on Jan 24.

But today Jan 25 again 7main x 100 Hertz apart distance spurs
seen again,
'wobbling' unstable frequencies_strings,

either site on approx. 11480 and 11580 kHz
11479.417 ... x.423 kHz
11580.577 ... x.583 kHz,
both S=7 or -85dBm strength level.

ps. Background of the broadcast on the short wave:
the 38 million Kurds are that ethnic group,
95 years ago at the peace conferences of the British and French
Empire Colonial divisions in the Middle East
after the Ottoman empire collapse
were N E V E R served.

And hope for their own state ever since.

- - -

MOLDOVA Log: 11479.5 kHz, Sender??, UT 08:05, Jan 18. SINPO 25232.
Tuerkische und hindu mx, zur Zeit maennliche Stimme mit Bericht?
ID nicht gehoert, nicht erkannt. Die Station hoerte ich seit Jan 14
Gruss Horst, QTH Bardudvarnok / HNG, RX AOR 7030/FCD2, 30 m LW
(via A-DX ng Jan 18)

Das hatten wir hier schon mal genannt im letzten Monat:

Radiotelecentr (PRTC) transmitter Grigoriopol Maiac MDA Moldova.

Ganz einfach zwei Spurs symmetrisch von 50.283 kHz Abstand beidseitig.

Fundamental 11530 kHz, und etwas huepfend unstabil wobbelnde
5 x 100 Hertz Abstand Signal-Strings sichtbar, bei
11479.713 ... 722 kHz,
sowie oben auf circa
11580.280 kHz 5 strings visible, gleichermassen.

(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 19 / 25)

----- Original Message -----
From: "'bclnews.it' bclsiciliaclub@inwind.it [bclnews]"

Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2019 5:13 PM
Subject: SWLDXBulgaria News Jan.22-23

KURDISTAN(non) Denge Welat via Issoudun and Grigoriopol, Jan 23:
0330-0600 on 9525 ISS 250 kW / 090 deg to WeAs Kurdish, very good
0600-1500 on 11530 KCH 300 kW / 130 deg to WeAs Kurdish, very good
73! Ivo Ivanov

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