WMR FROM SW Scotland has been heard in Morgongova SE with better audio quality (highs, I mean ) than Realmix with a signal at -100 dBm.
6085 Amigo with audio dropouts on 1059 via the WebSDR at 11z with log ID -60 dBm.
6005 R Slovakia in Ger..... remain in the page..
I ma always very busy in this laptop
Zacharias Liangas ; disclaimer on my writing
PL330 + ext antennas/ RSP1a/SpyHF+D
exMusic Producer Greek Music Refuge / Dangdut and Beyond the pool ; all my pages
From now and for an unknowntime, at least for 3 years, I will not use any radio except the remote SDRs forDXing. Recently we moved from the village back to the city in a space thatprohibits the use of desktop DXing, a place flooded by high levels of noise inthe LMHF bands. The radio is now used mostly for FM, for news listening.we runpolitically lively condition with always very interesting twits every day ..
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