Hard-Core-DX.com: Voice of Indonesia - Anomaly or actual change of format? +

Voice of Indonesia - Anomaly or actual change of format? +

Wednesday, February 05 2025

thanks Ron

INDONESIA 4755.018 kHz at 14.00 UT Febr 5th, requested Vo INS Jakarta Cimanggis site
S=6 remotedly herd in Doha Qatar and Hirsoshima Akitakata JP Perseus_net SDR unit.
At 14.13 UT young lady singer performance.

Nothing heard / seen today at 14.30 UT
on screen of 3325 kHz Palangka Raya relay site,
capital and largest city of the Indonesian province of Central Kalimantan.

Neighbour lower side
4750even kHz China mainland CNR1 program via Hailar site.

(vy73 de wolfie df5sx )

From: Ron Howard via groups.io
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2025 3:58 PM
Subject: Re: Voice of Indonesia - Anomaly or actual change of format?

INDONESIA. 4755, VOI, 1301-1400 UT, Feb 5 (Wednesday), heard via Kiwi SDR remote at Bandung, Indonesia.
Yes, a major change in their format. Now with a more informal style of a DJ; giving local Jakarta time (5-6) and
playing a lot of pop songs and preempting many programs that were formerly on every day. 3325 (VOI) remains

1301-1311: Intro and news. 1311: "Commentary" about the progress being made with the new capital, Nusantara.

1314-1324: Pop songs; second day without the patriotic song “Bagimu Negeri” and no "Today in History."

1324: Announcer/DJ chatting and with "wise words" quotation - "If you want to be a great leader, write like a journalist
and speak like a storyteller."

1336: Item about managing village funds; priority of 15% towards dealing with poverty (news story -
https://en.antaranews.com/news/343781/minister-calls-for-responsible-management-of-village-funds ).

1353: Tourist info about Indonesia beach; similar to "Indonesian Wonders" format, but no program name mentioned today.

1355: DJ with time check (coming up to six, in Jakarta; so this broadcast must be recorded).

1355-1359: Rather a brief segment of "Music Corner," with only one song.

Monterey, Calif.
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