** GERMANY. 3955, Feb 1 after 2200, Texas Radio SW, monthly via
Channel 292, too poor into UTwente, and too much programming
competition at this hour. Next two repeats are for E & W North America
on 9670. JBA carriers direct! At 0200, into Maryland SDR
insufficient S4/S6 and noisy, `YROT` opening theme. At 0415, only
wideband QRM, maybe something local at NA5B. By 0448, no signal direct
or to Maryland, but at 0454, N9AZZ has fair S4/S6 signal. Too bad
can`t be on a WRMI bigsig (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** PHILIPPINES. 11504 approx., Feb 2 at 1551, rough peak of extremely
distorted Korean, S9+15 direct, FMish out to 11496/11507. Is RFA via
Tinang, VERY out of order, normally a goodsig on 11510 here at 21
degrees far beyond target area. Now there is also a JBA carrier on
11510, probably the KurdoTurko radio war, nothing else listed (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)
** ROMANIA [and non]. 15250 & 15370, Feb 2 at 1548 among few sigs on
19m, JBA carriers with extreme Doppler flutter, the lower one slightly
stronger. EiBi shows both can only be RRI, via Tsiganeshti and Galbeni
resp., 307 thisaway & 285 degrees. I assumed at first with such heavy
Dfl, would be from China or something east-Asian. Continued at:
VATICAN [non] (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A. 15016 USB, Feb 2 until 1545*, US military crypto message
exercise, repeated, and ``Mill Run, out`` in an ever-changing tactical
ID (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2280 monitoring: confirmed UT
Sunday February 2 at 0100 on WRMI 9955, S9+15/20 off the back into
Georgia SDR, after hearing nothing but noise at Bonaire.
Also confirmed UT Sunday February 2 at 0414 about 10 minutes into so
started circa 0404 the 0415v on WA0RCR, 1860 AM, MO, S8/9+5 into N9AZZ
remote in IL. Next:
** U S A. 15150.000, Feb 2 at 1546, S8/9+20 of dead air from WMLK.
Still dead at 1658, S9+5/15 into UTwente, calibrated vs WWV 15000,
until cutoff at 1701* -- just as scheduled, 1200-1700. Maybe soon to
deaden likewise on 17525? Nominal *1730 but nothing by 1746 (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)
** VATICAN [non]. Continued from ROMANIA, which had heavy Doppler
flutter on two 19mb signals: Yet Feb 2 at 1550, Vatican in Amharic on
15565 is loud & clear, no flutter, belying listings as SMG site which
would be offtheback of thataway, instead of MADAGASCAR, coincidentally
aimed thisaway. Latest HFCC Jan 30 still claims all 15565 VR
broadcasts are from SMG. I don`t believe it. I have often observed
about this and other VR transmissions to the SE have incredibly strong
signals here to the NW if really out of SMG (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
This report dispatched at 1955 UT February 2
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