Highlights from this issue:
- QSL information and SW-logs.
- SDXF celebrates World Radio Day 2025
- Christoph Ratzer - TOP 10 DX OF THE YEAR
- Neueste Info von Burkhard Reuter zum RSR200
- Topband: Use CAT6 as a feedline for you RX antenna
- Deepelec DP-666 SDR receiver
- Mini-Whip und Mini-Whip Mini
- [WOR] experimental radio news 11
- MALDIVE ISLANDS. An Exotic British & American Radio Broadcasting Station
in a Lonely Island in the Indian Ocean: The Story of Radio Gan
- Despite petition - Rescue failed: transmitter was blown up at Moosbrunn
- Don Moore's Photo Album, Museum Findings: World War II by Don Moore
- Start 2025 with the January Edition of Listening To the Magazine!
- The NDB List ndblist@groups.io
- Pskov NDB version 2.2.1
- Gefle Rundradio SMXF - 100 years celebration
- 60 Years of Competitive Contesting and Continuous Improvement - The W3LPL
- LWBC Last Night From Indiana - Try 2 Antenna information
- Eliminate your high noise floor! - GM3SEK
- DX-Nostalgia by Ronny Forslund