I'm spending 10 days here in Masset. Usually, most of the time is spent
repairing, replacing, and upgrading the set up I have here. Still, I've
had some time to enjoy the fruits of my labour. Propagation started quite
good when I arrived on Thursday, but today (Sunday), has really gone
downhill. Even so, I'm listening to UK's TalkSport on 1089 which is
equal in strength to Seattle's KPTR on 1090...and 1485 from Svalbard with
only 1 kW, is once again booming in like a local playing macho man! Got
to love this hobby! In any case, here are a few of my logs from the past
3 days. 73, Walt
ASCENSION ISLAND 7285, 0555-, BBCWS Jan 19 Several frequencies available
during this hour. 7285 is fair/good, // to another Ascension transmitter,
9410 (good/very good) 125 kW/27 deg. Both with a rumble audible. Also //
17690 via UAE Dhabayya with 250 kW/215 deg, at excellent level. (Salmaniw,
Masset, BC)
BOTSWANA 9775, 0300-, VOA Jan 19 Excellent reception in English via
Botswana, and // to 4930 (good) also from Botswana with 100 kW/20 deg, and
6080 (fair) also from Botswana with 100 kW/350 deg. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC)
BOTSWANA 15580, 0545-, VOA Jan 19 Excellent level with English VOA
programming. VOA from Botswana is always a good performer into Masset,
even though it's over 16,000 km away!. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC)
ECUADOR 6050, 0419-0500, HCJB Jan 19 Spanich music programming, not
sounding at all religous. Gave me a good opportunity to test all of my
antennas, and best heard on the new 110 deg 600' Beverage antenna. Fair to
sometimes good reception. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC)
EGYPT 9890, 1910-, Radio Cairo Jan 18 Supposed to have their Russian
service here. Instead, just a strong open carrier without even a hint of
modulation!. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC)
GERMANY 1705, 1705-, Channel 292 Jan 18 Encore classical music program
would be perfectly well heard except for super-strong CRI Hausa on 9665
(500 kW/283 deg via Kunming). Have to use SAU to avoid splatter.
(Salmaniw, Masset, BC)
GERMANY 13590, 1908-, VOA Jan 18 Good reception with an English modern
music show, complete with DJ. VOA ID at 19:09. Targetting central Africa.
(Salmaniw, Masset, BC)
GERMANY 15460, 1730-, AWR Jan 18 Very strong reception. Carrier on at
17:28 in listed Afaan Oromoo (?huh?). Began with piano and an expression
repeated over and over. Interesting that on Sunday, there was a crash
start about 30 seconds late, with AWR IDs in English. Again, very strong.
Nice to hear AWR from more than 1 transmitter site again!. (Salmaniw,
Masset, BC)
IRAN 11880, 1920-, Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran Jan 18 A good S7
carrier, suddenly on at 19:20 but with zero modulation. I guess they're
copying Cairo now! Listed to South Africa, and confirmed lack of
modulation using a South African SDR. Supposed to be in English.
(Salmaniw, Masset, BC)
OMAN 12095, 1709-, BBCWS Jan 19 Superb reception with a sports play by
play. Sigh!. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC)
ROMANIA 7325, 0124-, Radio Romania International Jan 19 Very good level in
English to ECNA. Romania for years now, is the station to emulate.
Interesting programs with superb technical parameters. May they exist for
many more years!. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC)
ROMANIA 9510, 0400-, Radio Romania International Jan 19 English to WCNA at
excellent level. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC)
ROMANIA 9720, 1704-, Radio Romania International Jan 18 100% copy noted
with French language. Not propagating very well the next morning, however.
(Salmaniw, Masset, BC)
TAIWAN (NON) 9790, 1712-, Radio Taiwan International Jan 18 Very good
reception using the transmitting services from Sofia, Bulgaria. Russian
language programming. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC)
TAJIKISTAN 7245, 0247-, Voice of Tajik Jan 19 Good reception in presumed
Tajik and every bit as strong compared to a Novosibirsk SDR. Minor ham
QRM. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC)
THAILAND 6080, 1713-, VOA Jan 18 English programming at very good level
from Thailand. // 17895 excellent (Botswana with 100 kW/350 deg), and
11850 good to very good (Kuwait with 100 kW/210 degrees). Plenty of good
frequencies to choose from!. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC)
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 11785, 1621-, World Radio Network Vsemirnaya Radio Jan
19 Superb S9+40 signal strength with Russian (not from Russia)
programming. Rechecking at 16:40, it was from Radio Slovakia
International. At 16:58, WRN announcement in Russian, concluding the
program and mentioning the correct times and frequency. (Salmaniw, Masset,
UNITED KINGDOM 9535, 0600-, Radio Ndarason International Jan 19 While
waiting for VOA on 9550, I noticed a crash start on 9535, at good to very
good level, mentioning Ghana, and Mali, in presumed Kanuri. By the way,
9550 didn't come on until 06:03 (VOA English from Botswana). (Salmaniw,
Masset, BC)
USA 9955, 0100-, World of Radio Jan 19 Glenn's own program at good to very
good level into Masset, even though transmitting in the opposite
direction!. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC)
UZBEKISTAN 6035, 0119-, BBCWS Jan 19 Fair reception via Tashkent, with much
better // from Oman on 7410 (250 kW/63 deg) at good to very good level.
(Salmaniw, Masset, BC)
VIETNAM 9730, 1715-, Voice of Vietnam Jan 18 Very strong reception in
Vietnamese. Seems to be spot on channel, unlike in past years where the
transmitters were always off-channel. Also heard the following day at
16:30 in Russian with an S9+20 signal. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC)
VIETNAM 11885, 1900-, Voice of Vietnam Jan 18 English programming at good
level. (Salmaniw, Masset, BC)
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