Highlights from this issue: - QSL information and SW-logs. - PERSEUS REPAIR, Fredrik Dourén - REUTER RSR200 info, Christoph Ratzer - SDR Web-888, A-DX Fernempfang - Texas Radio Shortwave New Schedule - Don Moore’s Photo Album: Chota, Peru, SWLing Post - YA (Ystad Allehanda) recenserar Den siste gästen, Per Erik Tell - Shortwave Frequency List for B24 (updated 5 January 2025) Tony Rogers via Christoph Ratzer - Common-mode current choke 1-PORT, HAM PARTS - Soldatensender Belgrad (Soldiers Radio Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1941) Svensk DX-Historia - Spionradio och Kortvågspropaganda. Ett program om hemlig radio. Sänt i P1 2002. - [SDR-Radio] Perseus 22 - My findings and help finding some new ideas, Tim, G7KTP via SDR-Radio - Low cost Antenna Safe Disconnect von QRO.cz, HAM PARTS - VOICE OF MALDIVES VERIFICATION, Ron Howard - CLASSIC LITERATURE (Facebook) - DX-Nostalgia by Ronny Forslund https://www.hard-core-dx.com/swb/2072.pdf |