JRX Logs January 7, 2025
Receiver (s): Tecsun S-2000
Antenna: Longwire 10m
All times Universal Time
** 13855. Tue, Jan 7, 2025. 2021-2035, Ifrikya FM, Ouargla-ALG, in Arabic & French. Woman announcer says a poetry, in french, with piano background; Woman says ID; Now, man talking, in arabic, w/ fast pieces of songs; 2027 A song; 2031 Woman says ID, in french, "La Voix d´Afrique" and a song. Good reception: 45544.
** 13630. Tue, Jan 7, 2025. 2036-2046, China Radio International-CGTN, Bamako-MLI, English Service. Two men in conversation; All about chinese techonogical themes; 2043 ID by woman and conversation continues. Good reception: 45544.
** 17715. Tue, Jan 7, 2025. 1943-1959, Radio Exterior de España, Noblejas-E, in Spanish. Man announcer interviews a woman about "La Jornada Laboral": Working hours and current relations between workers and companies; Public manifestations; 1050 Continues news about this theme and others by woman/man announcers; ID. Good reception: 45554.
Parallel logs on 9690, fair; 12030, weak; 17755, 45433 this time, but unstable!
** 17755. Tue, Jan 7, 2025. 2003-2020, Radio Exterior de España, Noblejas-E, in Spanish. Man announcer and collaboratorr present "Radiogaceta de los Deportes": Mainly football news, comments, brief interviews and related news; ID: RNE; Very unstable transmission this time! Weak to poor w/ BA moments. Regrettable!!
Parallel on 17715, 45544; 9690, 35422, also unstable; 12030, 35433.
** 17790. Tue, Jan 7, 2025. 2048-2058, WRMI-PAB Radio Africa Network, Okeechobee-FL, in English. Religious hymns only; 2100 Man talking. Poor reception: 25422.
JRX (José Ronaldo Xavier)
Cabedelo-PB, Brazil (UTC-3)
Lat: S 6°58'48" / Long: W 34°49'48"
SWARL Callsign PR7036SWL
DX Map Location HI22NX
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