Hard-Core-DX.com: Glenn Hauser logs January 1, 2025

Glenn Hauser logs January 1, 2025

Thursday, January 02 2025

DX/SWL/MEDIA PROGRAMS updated Jan 1, 2025


Hi Glenn, My latest Hitlist update.

1) Iran - IRIB/Voice of Iran: Deleted entry to frequencies as page no
longer exists; Added link to new home page for Iran Radio (which
perhaps may be gradually replacing the old home page). (Thanks to Tony

2) USA - WTWW: Added entry to hitlist

The next update is scheduled for early February
Happy New Year and 73, Alan Roe

** BRAZIL. 11780, Jan 1 at 0202, RNA still on, VG S9+15/35 with music,
and weak 6180 unseems //; would it stay on another hour so we might
witness the advent of 2025y into Brasil? NO, off before 0250 (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

** BRAZIL. 6009.96 approx., Jan 1 at 0740, S6/S8 music and Brazuguese
talk, as R. Inconfidência is more audible than usual and always on
signature off-frequency-minus.

** BRAZIL. 28411 USB, Jan 1 at 2305, PY2FZ, Bono calling CQ DX,
working USA including a KF4. ``My friend`` etc., etc., but get the
contact over and ``bye`` in no more than one minute. This applies to
many. QRZ.com: ``PY2FZ Brazil flag Brazil, Helio "Bono" Bono, Avenida
Antenor de Almeida, 3-199, Condominio Chacara Odete, Bauru, SP,
17047590, Brazil``

Anyhow, nice to still get trans-equatorial DX on 10m even when the K
index be way up, 6+, and 8 at 1800.

28458 USB, Jan 1 at 2307, PY4MDO, CQ DX, working a KC2 in USA. From
Minas Gerais. QRZ.com refers us to: ``PU4MDO Brazil flag Brazil,
Marcio Oliveira, P.Box 310, Extrema, MG 37640970, Brazil`` (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CANADA [non]. 6060, Jan 1 at 0300, `Pop Shop Radio` NYE special,
rock music, 250 kW from Woofferton UK to North America, S8/9+10 into
Maryland SDR; at 0313 direct S9+5/25 - of course our S-meters are not
correlated. 0316 announcement from DJ Tony Pavick. 0327 interjects
``Slava Ukraini``. Was going to conclude hour with a ``shortwave
radiogram``, as Kim Elliott`s naming seems to have become generic
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** COLOMBIA. 10125 CW, Jan 1 at 0148, HK3QQ, Bogotá, still going with
the fraxured keyboard letters starting with QWETYUIOX... (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

** COLOMBIA. 28455 USB, Jan 1 at 2310, HK1T calling QRZ, CQ. QRZ.com:
``HK1T Colombia flag Colombia, Salim (Sal) Gechem R., Barranquilla,
Atlántico, Colombia`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 5980, Jan 1 at 0737, pulse jamming against nothing, a Radio
Martí frequency only scheduled at 11-14; it`s the `slower & longer`
pulsing, at the rate of roughly 40x per minute, but slightly
irregular. And now there is no WWCR leapfrog mixing product to hit,
since 5890 is not on to sault over 5935 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA [and non]. 5025, Jan 1 at 0735, R. Rebelde is off; mostly
lately had been on with weakened signal. Now there is a JBA carrier on
5020, no doubt SOLOMON ISLANDS starting to fade in (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** EAST TURKISTAN. 5060, 4980, 4850, 4500, Jan 1 at 0136, JBA
carriers, weaker little by little from top to bottom, the PBS Xinjiang
quad from Urumqi, a.k.a. Xinjiang RTV, four different language
services in the land of imperialist Chicom genocide against Uyghurs
and other Moslems (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6960 USB, Jan 1 at 0121, I start NYE pirate
monitoring direct: rock/soul music S9+25. 0130 Wolverine Radio ID with
echo, into SSTV. ID showed a guy hanging onto a rock on a cliff?:
As usual had stronger signal than the others. Maybe it went off but
later something on 6960, below (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6849.92 AM, Jan 1 at 0123, rock music S9+5. 0215
still on but too weak. Reported here as Liquid Radio on ``6850 AM``:
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6960 USB, Jan 1 at 0147 algo, assumed still
Wolverine, but per this, was succeded by Drunken DJ Radio at 0132:
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6950 USB, Jan 1 at 0125, S9+15 of talk, drama? with
music; ``America the Beautiful``; some clicking QRM at rate of one per
second like timesignal, maybe out of 6938 open carrier? 0128 YL
``pirate radio``, John Poet studying one year of rock `n` roll songs;
``psychotherapy`` repeated over and over, ``I am a teenage dope
fiend``. 0131 blues. 0139 SSTV, talk, off by 0200 ; but something
there at 0215 check. Logs of Outhouse Radio here but none after 0125:
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6955 USB, Jan 1 at 0142, talking over music, ``I
hear some static out there in the ionosphere``. 0145 spells
http://splatterbox.us/sycko on 6955 relays pronounced ``psycho``;
sounds drunk, music. 0136 ``The Sycko New Years Eve broadcast``, past
0200, still on at 0215. Many logs here:
splatterbox above leads to music stream at 0455, ``Sycko Radio NYE
broadcast extravaganza, let`s do it.`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6925 USB, Jan 1 at 0215, yet another pirate, JBA
music. unID, or Big Sky Radio:
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6960 AM, Jan 1 at 2317, pirate music S9 but no match
for noise level, OSOB. Many unID reports here with playlists:
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** OKLAHOMA. 95.1, OG&E Xmas station, and 1670, Virtual DJ Radio, are
still running afternoon of Jan 1 circa 21 UT when I am monitoring
along US 81 in Enid. Far enough from downtown for KQCV to compete for
95.1, despite site E of Seminole, and IDs as Shawnee-OKC-Tulsa. In
fact per radio-locator map, with 100 kW, both OKC and Tulsa are
equally between distant and fringe contours (Glenn Hauser, Enid, WOR)

** SPAIN. 9690, Wed Jan 1 at 2300, token English from SNR, S9+30/40
direct, 12030 sufficient, 17715 & 17755 stronger than usual carriers.
No news, but 2024 in review, starting with Spain`s Academy Award
nominees; 2313, world`s oldest person who had survived COVID, born in
1907, died 19 Sept 2024 at age 117 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** TURKEY. 9650, Jan 1 at 0536, TRT Turkish service is still on SW,
music, S6/S8 direct but with heavy flutter.

Richard Langley reports: ``And last night (1 January UTC), the 0400 UT
broadcast in English, which started about 8 minutes late and recorded
here in NB, was the actual Voice of Turkey with usual sign-off ID and
frequencies. Was this the last VoT broadcast in English?`` [6125,

Several who checked the 1330 English broadcast on 13635 found that VOT
programming had been replaced by soundtrack of TRT World TV! Per
Jean-Michel Aubier; and: ``I presume this will be the case for all the
scheduled VOT English programming from now on. They have lost me as a
regular listener (since 1970), as I am not interested in the endless
diet of news that their TV channel puts out. Alan Holder, G4ZBH, Isle
of Wight, U.K.``

9660.017-, Jan 1 at 1730 tune-in, JIP some English discussion, 1732
about war in Gaza, S9+10/25 into UTwente with OTH radar? clickery
9650-9670. Segment seemed to be called ``My America``, of all

It does NOT match the TRT World live stream, about Vanuatu, Belize,
climate change: ``NOW PLAYING -- JUST 2 DEGREES A rise of just two
degrees in average temperatures means catastrophe for planet Earth.
TRT World looks at the cold, hard truths behind a warming planet``

[and non] However at 2002 check Jan 1, 6050.003+ into UTwente is //
the TRTWorld livestream report about the New Orleans truck attack. It
seems this channel is not particularly focused on Turkey, and not
unusual to hear American accents. By 2017 they are separate again.
2023 cut to fragment of VOT IS and chopoff, uncovering what else?
Chinese, 2027 playing ``Let It Be``. Clearly the TRT TV audio
programming source cannot fit well into the previous SW English hours!
And I bet the TV folx are not about to pay any attention to SW turns
on and off (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** TURKEY. 5960, Jan 1 at 2300, NO signal direct from TRT, nor at
2312, but there is algo on 9610, maybe overrun; I no longer have
interest in keeping track of those (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2275     monitoring: ``From:
Richard Lemke, St. Albert, Alberta, Canada, the desk of Richard’s
listening Post, Radio: JRC NRD-535 HF, Antenna: random long wires in
the trees. Hello Glenn: Happy Holidays, WRMI, USA,  World of Radio
#2275, 9395 kHz, 0030, 0044, 0057, 0058 (55434), 0059, January 1 UTC
2025 [Wed]
(Lemke, Richard -AB)``

Confirmed UT Wednesday January 1 at 0030 on WRMI 9395, S9+12 into
Maryland SDR.

Also confirmed UT Wednesday January 1 at 0030 on SW Radio, Germany,
3975.001+, s8/S9 into UTwente.

Not confirmed Wednesday January 1 at 2030 on SW Radio, Germany, 3975:
NO signal into UTwente, Ireland or Italy, maybe due to K index of 8.

Confirmed Wednesday January 1 at 2200 on WBCQ 7490-, VG S9/+10 into
Maryland SDR. Next:

0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S;
1730 UT Thursday SW Radio, Germany 3975.

Thanks this week for financial support from Gerald T. Pollard, Raleigh
NC, who sends a generous check on a US bank marking each new season
to: Glenn Hauser, PO Box 1684, Enid OK 73702

One may also contribute via PayPal, not necessarily in US funds, to:
woradio at yahoo.com (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 5085, WTWW situation, not heard for a few days? ``Glenn,
The driver solid state amplifier went out, I replaced the final IC and
it ran for only one hour and died. The back up amplifier lasted for
only 5 minutes. I am waiting on parts from China. I expect we will be
down at least for a week. George McClintock 1-1-2025`` (Glenn Hauser,

** U S A. 6160-, Jan 1 at 0742, no signal from WBCQ. This transmitter
had been weakened, and on Dec 28, `AAAWWW` said The Overcomer would no
longer be on it this year. Sked indeed does not show any of that now:
but I`m not sure it properly did before. TOMBS only shows at various
hours on 7490. The question is, what programming if any remains on
6160; Area 51? And who is that voice we hear when not running very
stale tapes of deceased Brother Scare? TOM website mentions a ``Pastor
Rice``. Another check at 2200 Jan 1, no signal from 6160 into Maryland
SDR, let alone direct (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 15825, Jan 1 at 1555, NO signal from WWCR-1, while at 1559
the others are: 13845 JBA, 12160 signing on loud, 9980 loud. John
Jurasek reported on Dec 31 that WWCR had taken #1 off the air
completely, no longer 15825, 6115, or 3215! And the updated
transmitter and program skeds now show that:

This has led to lots of programming changes, some of the #1 ones moved
to the others. Alan Roe observes that many of the music shows have
been cut. I see that `The Talking [sic] Machine Show` is still on
there, Sats 1800-1830 on 12160. At 2316 Jan 1, no signal on 6115
direct. Why take this drastic step? #1 transmitter seemed to have been
OK, in fact cleaner than the others. I hear that WWCR profits have
been plummeting, so taking one transmitter completely down should help
the bottom line (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 0036 UT January 2, 2025
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