Hard-Core-DX.com: Glenn Hauser logs November 6, 2024

Glenn Hauser logs November 6, 2024

Thursday, November 07 2024

** CUBA. 5025, Nov 6 at 0728, R. Rebelde music S9+45. Has been
reliable lately in contrast to RHC hard to find on any frequency
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA [and non]. 9490.000, Nov 6 at 0207, new frequency for R.
República via ISS, FRANCE, as measured into UTwente which is
accurately calibrated. In past has always been significantly skewed
plus, by maybe 20 Hz but had not measured it lately. Must have changed
transmitter or fixed the bad one. EiBi shows 9490 RR is Fri-Sun only
at 0100-0200! Surely it`s daily, as in Aoki but still with wrong time
0100-0200. During EDT was at 01-02 UT, but evidently shifted an hour
later for EST season. Even RMI skedgrid still shows 0100-0200 but
daily on 9490.

But ALSO UT Tue-Fri at 0200-0300 on 5800 WRMI-10 from System D. At
0230 I check 5800 into Georgia SDR, as it concludes `Encuentro
Informativo` -- but NOT // 9490. Then announces sked as Mon-Thu 10-11
pm on 5800, and Fri-Sun at 9-10 pm on 9490; repeated at 0253 on 5800.
So their own announced sked is wrong, as they are on both frequencies
now at same hour on a Tuesday/UT Wednesday! Certainly not RAE
Argentina on 5800 at 02-03 as shown on the transmitter grid!

Checking 9490 into Georgia SDR at 0258, S9+40/55! At 0300, ID and
pulls plug on 9490, but a much weaker and hummy carrier remains on
air, only S9/+10 into Georgia. At 0300, 5800 has gone on to R. Praga
in Spanish, NOT accounted for on WRMI skeds, showing it on 9955 System
B only, while xmtr sked for 5800 shows at 0300 Freedom Synergy Radio
--- NOT.

On 5800 there was some continuous clickery, I guess rather ineffective
jamming, but not the usual Cuban pulsing noise. It`s audible from 5787
to 5814, so centred on 5800. On 9490 into UTwente there is similar
clickery, like OTH radar, extending from 9458 to 9490, thus evitable
by tuning to 9490 USB - 32 Hz wide and stronger toward the centre of
that span. Earlier, had added extra hour certain days of week. Anyhow
a rather confusing situation currently.

R.R. is sponsored by the Directorio Democrático Cubano, not to be
confused with another DDC, Diario de Cuba which I sometimes link to
for The Other Side: https://diariodecuba.com/ ; (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** FRANCE. 21580, Nov 6 at 1852, OSOB sounds French at S1/S3; yes, RFI
at 1600-1900 for Africa, the first hour in Hausa (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** SPAIN. 9690, Nov 6 at 0732, incredibly, the first place I hear
*rump`s victory speech live is here, VG direct, with Spanish
voice-over translation. Could this be REE? Yes! Also on weaker //
12030, JBA on 17715 and JBA carrier on 17755. These are the regular
REE frequencies for the broadcasts normally ending at 0300 weekdays on
9690 & 17715, 2400 on 12030 & 17755. I suspect they have all stayed on
air all-night for US elexion coverage. Probably from an RTVE domestic
network. However, the program sked for Hoy = miércoles at 0800-0904
local, whether or not it`s on SW, shows `Informativos -- Las Mañanas
de RNE - Josep Cuní`.

Surely a one-time expansion, but what collisions could this have
caused? HFCC shows REE 9690 registered only until 0400 weekdays, but
nothing else before 1100. 12030 could have 5 kW RDI, ELB, HOL, as
early as 0600. On 17715, nothing else before 1100. On 17755, nothing
else before 1330.
BTW, 7355 & 7435 R. Martí with otherstuff at 0740 (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** SPAIN. 9690, Wed Nov 6 at 2300, NO signal from SNR to N America,
direct nor into UTwente; but 12030 backwards to ME arrives
sufficiently direct with Radio 5/REE ID in passing, but stays in
Spanish instead of English! 17715 is a JBA carrier. Something`s
notright at Noblejas. At 2310 into Maryland SDR, still no 9690, but
12030. Per sked the 0000 local Thu show is `Doble Hélice` about
science, not English. Something`s messedup at Madrid (Glenn Hauser,

** TURKEY [and non]. 5960.004-, Wed Nov 6 at 2300, JBA carrier direct
from VOT. At 2311 into Maryland, S4/S7; at 2313 into UTwente when
measured, S9+30/35 and atop 6CI during olds. 2316 music. 2317 `Review
of the Turkish Press`. 2319 `Unexpected --- something` with Efsun the
axentuated; all I can understand is the subject, electro-shock
therapy. 2330 ``with-you-every-hour`` promo, music. 2335 `The Middle
East and Turkey`. 2340 TRTVOTVorld promo. 2341 `Sports Panorama`. 2349
``always-by-your-side`` promo, music. 2353 s/off for 13635 at 1330.
Something`s always awry at Ankara. 2353.5 IS to 2355.5* chop
uncovering the ChiCom (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 26110 NBFM, Nov 6 at 1854, JBA talk, presumed KOVR aux
KMK282 Stockton/Sacramento. Later, I see this report on the WOR iog:
``I checked for KMK282 NFM 26110 KHz at 1810 UT (11/6) and found a
signal peaking around S8 with deep fades. It stopped transmission for
a minute or so, but was back on at 1814 UT. I'm only getting a word or
two between the deep fades - "hanging out on the patio", "aspect", "we
have", "if you are in charge of the beer situation", "cheese", "we are
so excited", "nonprofit", "Good day Sacramento", etc. The signal
appeared to be slowing increasing up to 1827 UT and then the off at
18:27:21 UT or so. It was back on again at 1830 UT. They were talking
about Trump at 1830. Doug White, KA5ETS, Carrboro NC, AirSpy
HF+Discovery using 53' vertical with around thirty 25 ft radials (and
three 50 ft radials)``

Should not be that hard for me to hear it well like I used to, only
need a sporadic E MUF of 27+ MHz in the right spot between. No doubt
it`s single-hop F2 to NC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 17700, Nov 6 at 1846, S9+20/30 open carrier, no doubt VOA
Grimesland warming up for French to W Africa at 19-20 only. Is this
kilowastage really necessary? Might as well modulate it with something
useful, like English (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2267 monitoring: confirmed UT
Wednesday November 6 at 0030 on SW Radio, Germany, 3975.003+, S8/9+5
into UTwente.

Also confirmed UT Wednesday November 6 at 0030  on WRMI 9395, S9+20/35
into Georgia SDR.

Also confirmed Wednesday November 6 at 2030 on SW Radio, Germany,
3975.005-, S8/9+5 into UTwente.

Also confirmed Wednesday November 6 at 2200 on WBCQ 7490 -70 Hz,
S9+10/20 into NH SDR. Next:

0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S;
1730 UT Thursday SW Radio, Germany 3975.

As a noncommercial service, financial support welcome such as a
contribution via PayPal, not necessarily in US funds, to
woradio at yahoo.com

One may also contribute by MO or check on a US bank to:  
Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. After hearing *rump on SW from SPAIN, q.v., a quick scan
across the MW band at 0741-0743 UT Nov 6, before dozing, hears him on
these frequencies, many but not all major talkradio stations whose
identity should be obvious. Maybe via `Red Eye Radio` program, or a
special feed from Fox `news`, live but quite out of synch with each
other: 560, 700, 710, 720, 760, 780, 840, 850, 870, 880, 1120, 1150;
as it seems that `C2CAM` was still showing on some other stations.
Retch (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 0008 November 7

