Hard-Core-DX.com: Glenn Hauser logs October 20-21-22, 2024

Glenn Hauser logs October 20-21-22, 2024

Tuesday, October 22 2024

** CHINA [and non]. 15340, Oct 21 at 1457 song, 1459 quick Chinese
announcement, 5+1 timesignal to 1500, another announcement, open
carrier and soon cut. It`s the SSOB. Aoki shows CNR1 jamming and SOH
relaying RFA at 2130-1703, and only other 15340 is RRI in Romanian at
1300-1500. No sign of that but might have closed just before I
intuned; rather not listed by EiBi, probably one of their suspensions
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** ITALY [non]. 7285.003-, Oct 21 at 1840, gospel huxter in English,
must be IRRS hour via Bulgaria or Romania, S9+15 into UTwente. I have
been assuming it`s really on 7290 as per EiBi, Aoki, and latest HFCC
Oct 18, and that the s/off announcement for ``7285`` heard on 1323 at
1900 were incorrect. Have they always A24 been on 7285 or switched at
some point? Nothing on 7290 now, and nothing scheduled this hour on
7295 either to ACI. 1859 indeed NEXUS/IBA s/off 7285 to continue on
1323. Chopped off before can finish uttering website, but carrier
stays on to 1900.5 concluding with a tone. Now the B24 sked has been
posted, and it shows 7290, but still at 18-19 UT, not an hour later
and not 7285:
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** NORTH AMERICA. 11529.9, Oct 21 at 2208, JBA carrier from presumed
Hikari FM pirate in Mexico, on signature offset, and still often
reported by Rick Barton, AZ (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** OKLAHOMA. 27184.4 & 27224.9 approx., Oct 21 at 2205, Enid CB pirate
relaying gospel music // 105.5 FM K288FX translator of K-Love, KYLV
88.9 OKC. No carrier spoilers this time but heavy skip QRM on both
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** SPAIN. 17855, S9+20/30 direct //>17715 >15520, Monday October 21 at
2200, token English from SNR. Preview topic to be about diversity etc.
in sports. 2210 interviewing someone with too-heavy accent about
Lebanon at war since Israel attack Sept 23, but is staying in Leb with
wife and daughter: until 2212 it`s by REE`s Beirut correspondent, a
woman whose name I can never catch; and how come their only regular
foreign correspondent at least in the English service, is in Lebanon?
2212 about Brit embassy sponsoring something about sports diversity
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** TURKEY. 9875.006-, Sunday Oct 20 at 2040, I`m catching VOT
Letterbox early again instead of after 2200 on 11785. Into UTwente, at
first there is lite CCI from an understation, North Korea? but gone
long before scheduled to -2050. S9+5/15, VG. 2056 multi-lingual ID
filler reel. 2058 `Letterbox`, surprise with new host, a woman, not
the accentuated one, whew, who had just delivered the olds. Her name
is Oztan or something like that, says has been with VOT English for 25
years, and Halil Ibrahim has been transferred to the news department -

VERY different presentation, no floundering around unable to read
handwriting, hardly any personal off-the-cuff remarx, apparently
planned if not scripted, brief greetings to 18 listeners, far more
than H could get to before running out of time. But most of them
pro-forma, tnx for listening on cited dates, QSL will be sent ASAP,
best wishes, etc., etc. At opening and closing she - finally! - spells
``Yenisehir``, not bothering with the s-cedilla or sh, and gives the
PO Box 333 instead as PK 33. Again there are many familiar names of
regular writers. I number them and try to keep up, guessing

1) Jayanta Chakraborty, New Delhi. 2) Annan --, India, has listened
for 40 years. 3) Matthew Iliff?, refers him to trtvotworld.com. 4)
Siddartha - India, mentions International Tourism Day, 29 million of
them to Turkey in first 7 months this year. 5) Sirvan? Paul?, West
Bengal. Breaks for song by Alera Tikye? and title?? 6) Andrew
Kuznetsov, Riga, Latvia. 7) Christer Brunström, Sweden, comments about
proportion of women in civil service, parliament, etc., in answer to a
question? 8) Mohamed Shamin?, Kerala. 9) Francis -?, Dublin. 10)
Chandra?, W Bengal with only personal comment: she, the host I think,
takes care of stray dogs and cats, and World Food Day; but not as
food, I assume. 11) Najum?, W Bengal. 12) Andrew Kuznetsov, Russia.
13) Anatoly Klepov, Moscow. 14) Lithuania. 15) Mohamed Bashan?,
Pakistan. 16) -- Hussein --, Pakistan. 17) someone from Ithaca, USA.
18) Alokesh Gupta, New Delhi, wants winter sked but they don`t have it
yet. [I do! The 2030 will be at 2130 on 9610 and the 2200 at 2300 on
5960.] 2113 song. 2115 outro show. 2116 theme and program ID with
Halil? voice. 2200 UTwente recheck, 11785.007- is not off the air but
S9/+15; by 2230 built up to S9+45/50 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** TURKEY. 11785.007+, Oct 21 at 2158, VOT English not off the air, IS
at S9+20/30 direct. 2201 olds leading with a terrorist ringleader has
died in the USA which refused to extradite him. Involved in attempted
coup 2016 at Istanbul airport. Could not catch his name but major US
newssites today can be reached searching on Fethullah Gülen. 2235 into
UTwente when measured, S9+15/20, sounds like `That`s Why`, 2239 music.
2243 ``always-by-your-side`` promo, music. 2242 TRTVOTVorld.com promo,
music. 2251 ``with-you-every-hour`` promo. 2252 s/off the 1230 on
17620, never mind now. Something`s always awry at Ankara. 2253 IS
until 2255.5* (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2265 monitoring: confirmed Sunday
October 20 at 2000 on WRN Europe stream.

Not confirmed Sunday October 20 at 2330 on WRMI 7570 since that
transmitter is still off the air post-Milton; BUT on a hunch check
other WRMIs which are on, and bingo! There I am on 7780 instead, poor
S8/S9 direct - presumably a temporary fix as 7780 would otherwise not
be on air until 0000 per skedgrid.

Also confirmed UT Monday October 21 at 0030 on WRMI 7780 again, S8/S9
into NA5B Maryland SDR, and S9+5/25 into NA5C Texas SDR = are those
two related?

Also confirmed UT Monday October 21 at 0300 on Area 51 via WBCQ
6159.928 into NH SDR. This signal lately has been JBA direct, power

Also confirmed Monday October 21 at 1930 on SW Gold Radio, Germany,
6160.001+, S9+5/15 into UTwente with RTTY ditter INTRUDER from 6164;
and 3975.003+, S9+5/10. Next:

0330 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 to SW;
1300 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [also web-, phonecast; jammed?];
2000 UT Tuesday IRRS 1323-Italy;
2330 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW;
2330 UT Tuesday SW Radio, Germany 3975;
1930 UT Wednesday SW Radio, Germany 3975 & 6160;
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW;
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S;
1630 UT Thursday SW Radio, Germany 6160.

As a noncommercial service, financial support welcome such as a
contribution via PayPal, not necessarily in US funds, to
woradio at yahoo.com

One may also contribute by MO or check on a US bank to:  
Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 9475, Oct 22 circa 0010, this WTWW is on presumably with
SFAW. George McClintock tells me it`s currently only at 0000-0100 as
there are still transmitter problems. Off at 0059* after announcing
change to 5085. I guess that rules out WOR on 9475 which had been sked
at 2300 Saturdays. 5085 does not come up immediately, but finally JIP
a few sex before *0104. Its sked is 0100-0300 except UT Saturdays till
0330 with WOR. I suspect all this may shift one UT hour later from Nov
4 to stay at the same Central time (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 660, Oct 21 at 0448 UT, C&W music S9+45, KTNN again on 50 kW
ND day pattern at night. When this is not happening will be unusual
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

UNIDENTIFIED. Oct 21 at 2218, plenty of skip on 10m, beacons and
phone, including one from Japan, but almost vacant above 28.5, more
than a MHz going to waste -- except I encounter two apparent
repeaters: 29040 AM between US stations; and 29620 FM, S9+10 with a
KM0 from Colorado and W2FW. They are both horn players.

12180-7292, USA`` Refers only to a 2-meter repeater, see thebig94.com
--- It seems Jock Elliott is involved in that. Two tones beep at
cambios. Where these 10m repeaters are, their own callsigns, and where
their inputs come from I have no idea, but I suppose there be some
reference for them (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report despatched at 0235 UT October 22

