Hard-Core-DX.com: Glenn Hauser logs September 13, 2024

Glenn Hauser logs September 13, 2024

Saturday, September 14 2024

** CANADA. 6070-, Sept 13 at 0700, CFRX but a JBA carrier in disturbed
northerly propagation rather than usual reliable signal (Glenn Hauser,

** CANADA [non]. Re my log of CY9C: Experience the CY9C DXpedition on
the rugged and remote St. Paul Island, located off the coast of Nova
Scotia, Canada. In this exclusive on-island interview, team member
Craig Thompson, K9CT, provides an in-depth look at St. Paul Island,
ranked 50th on the DXCC most-wanted list. He discusses the island’s
challenging weather, its historical significance, and the
extraordinary efforts required to reach this isolated location,
including the rare use of helicopters. Craig introduces the dedicated
team of operators and details the radio and antenna capabilities
driving the CY9C operation. Gain insights into the leadership and
teamwork that keep the mission on track in such a demanding
environment. As the DXpedition enters its final days, the team
encourages radio operators worldwide to make contact with CY9C before
the operation concludes. Watch the full interview, subscribe to the
channel, and join the conversation!

(via Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 5025, Sept 13 at 0651, S9+40/45 of dead air in Spanish from
R. Rebelde. Something`s always wrong at RadioCuba (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** CUBA. 15230, Sept 13 at 1449, S5/S8 of suptorted Spanish, I think,
about all that`s left of RHC, where something`s always very wrong
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** EAST TURKISTAN. 15590, Sept 13 at 1452, informal M&W conversation
about how a taxi driver managed without GPS, American English so has
to be CRI; yes, as sked via Urumqi, 308 degrees to Europe, the SSOB,
S8/S9 but with very heavy flutter. The GC path to Enid from Urumqi in
the northern lobe of E.T., passes only a few degrees on the Russian
side of the North Pole; while Kashgar site in the western lobe of
E.T., passes only a few degrees on the Greenland side of the North
Pole (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** NORTH AMERICA. 7475, Sept 13 a 0258, Station YHWH, anti-Christ
pirate is JBA (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** NORTH AMERICA. 11514.9, Sept 13 at 1455, JBA carrier on the
signature frequency of that pirate last known as Hikari FM, allegedly
just across the AZ border in Mexico. The op told Dan Robinson he
hasn`t decided what to call it next when he gets stuff fixed and
powered up (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** OKLAHOMA. 1170, Sept 13 at 0642, ``News on 6`` KOTV promo for
Dallas Cowboys radio network on Sunday afternoons - so is apparently
not 100% TV audio simulcast. But why broadcast the enemy? (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

** SAUDI ARABIA [non?]. 11935.8 approx., Sept 13 at 1457 direct, S4/S5
nothing but chirps audible, Iranian jamming? Cannot pin on an exact
frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** SPAIN. 17855, VG direct, also 17715, 15520 but 15390 still off, Fri
Sept 13 at 2200, token English from SNR. 2202 news about strained
relations with Venezuela as Maduro`s winning opponent has taken asylum
in Spain. 2208 feature interview about an exhibition in Santiago,
apparently the one in Chile, stemming from the ship Winnipeg which
transported refugees from France to Valparaíso in 1939 (Glenn Hauser,

** TURKEY. 11785.005+, Sept 13 at 2159, VOT IS at S9+20 direct but
extremely heavy rapid flutter, 2200 s/on as if it`s 1230 on 17620.
Something`s always awry at Ankara. 2221 into UTwente when measured
S9+55 without flutter, `Turkish Folk Tales` about the Woodcutter and
the Bear; 2227 music. 2231 ``always-by-your-side`` promo and `That`s
Why` repeat from last week still about lithium. 2241 TRTVOTVorld in 41
languages promo, music. 2246 ``always-by-your-side`` promo again,
music. 2251 ``with-you-every-hour`` promo, s/off as if 17620, awry and
off by 2252* and if there were any IS it was very brief while I was
distracted. Something`s always erroneous at Emirler (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** U S A. 18163-USB, Sept 13 at 2205, W6A calling CQ Route 66 On the
Air, from Santa Mónica, says running 700 watts, lead station of
special event? Pronounces it ``Rout`` rhyming with doubt, so why isn`t
it spelt Roubt? After zero activity on 28, 24 and 21 MHz bands, first
phone signal I find. QRZ.com:

``W6A USA flag USA, Route 66 on the Air 2024 - Santa Monica, Post
Office Box 3471, Santa Monica, CA 90408, USA === Route 66 on the Air
Special Event - September 7 through 15, 2024

Welcome to Route 66 on the Air where the Mother Road nears its
terminus as it works it way through West Los Angeles and Santa Monica.
Members of the Westside ARC enjoy operating W6A and W6B and being part
of this fun event. Please see our Website for W6A (Santa Monica) and
W6B (Los Angeles).``
(I lived my first 9+ years right next to Route 66 in Santa Rosa, New
Mexico; and another 7 years a few miles from it in OKC) (Glenn Hauser,

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2260 monitoring: confirmed Friday
September 13 at 2034 the 2030 on IRRS SW via AM Italian, 1322.995,
poor S8 into UTwente with ACI.

Also confirmed Friday September 13 at 2201 on WRMI 9955, S9/+10 poor
direct. Better S9/+10 but noisy into Pardinho, Brasil SDR. No jamming
audible as many Cuban SW transmitters are broken.

Also confirmed Friday September 13 at 2242 the 2230 on SW Gold Radio,
Germany, 3975.000+, S8/9+5 and noisy into UTwente. Next:

0300 UT Saturday WTWW 5085;
0930 UT Saturday WRMI 9455 to WNW;
1430 UT Saturday SW Radio, Germany 6160;
1730 UT Saturday SW Radio, Germany 3975 & 6160;
1930vUT Saturday WA0RCR 1860-AM [1900/2100];
2300 UT Saturday WTWW 9475;
0000 UT Sunday WRMI 9955 to SSE [also web-, phonecast; jammed?];
0230vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0315; as late as 0500];
1900 UT Sunday IRRS 1323-Italy;
2130 UT Sunday SW Radio, Germany 3975 & 6160;
2330 UT Sunday WRMI 7570 to NW;
0030 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to SW;
0300vUT Monday WBCQ Area 51 6160v to WSW [irregular];
1930 UT Monday SW Radio, Germany 3975 & 6160;
0330 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 to SW;
1300 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [also web-, phonecast; jammed?];
2000 UT Tuesday IRRS 1323-Italy;
2330 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW;
2330 UT Tuesday SW Radio, Germany 3975;
1930 UT Wednesday SW Radio, Germany 3975 & 6160;
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW;
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S;
1630 UT Thursday SW Radio, Germany 6160.

As a non-commercial service, voluntary financial support appreciated.
Thanks this week for a contribution via PayPal in US funds but not
necessarily to woradio at yahoo.com, ``Pleased to once again express
my appreciation and admiration. 73, peace, and good health de Jim
Gershman, K1JJJ in Rhode Island!``

One may also contribute by MO or check on a US bank in US funds to:
Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. Pre-`AAAWWW` chex of WBCQs, Fri Sept 13 from 2345, into
usual NH SDR: 6160 VP, no sigs on 3265, 5130 NOR 7490!! Something`s
wrong with this Kiwi. Switch to Maryland instead: there, 7490 -72 Hz =
7489.928 is VG S9+10/20 with FKB; 6160 -72 = 6159.928 is S5/S7 with
TOMBS; 5130 & 3265 agreeably OFF. So a rerun is likely. Listening to
7490-, after FKB wraps up, we hear a re-echo of his last words several
sex later. NO ID, no disclaimer, and rough start to playback of last
week`s AAAWWW wherein he starts saying ``beaming, not streaming``.
Never mind (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 5010, Fri Sept 13 at 0650 UT, this WRMI-14 is off instead of
usual BS; but 9955 WRMI-3 is JBA S6/S8 at 0657, maybe deadair instead
of RFI Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 5050, Fri Sept 13 at 0259, WRMI-4 with S9+30/40 of music so
presumably resumed `Legends` after previously only carriers on 5050 or
5051 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 5800, Fri Sept 13 at 0259, WRMI with S9+30/40 of dead air.
Self-contradictory info on WRMI skedgrid: #10 transmitter 5800 shows
System D RAE Argentina at 0200-0300, System B Freedom Synergy Radio at
0300-0400. But RAE schedule shows nothing at this hour. System D shows
R. República at 0200-0300 UT Tue-Sat on 5800; System B shows Slovakia
in Spanish at 0230-0300, Prague in English at 0300-0330, on 9955!
Maybe FSR came up later after 0300 as usual on 5800, and previously
has been //9955 in yet another sked mismatch (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 5935, Sept 13 at 0653-0654+, deadair from WWCR, longer than
typical pregnant pauses while DGS is lighting up a cigar (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

UNIDENTIFIED. 810, Sept 13 at 0637 UT, dead air atop a weaker music
station, presumably the normally dominant WHB Kansas City (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

UNIDENTIFIED. 880, Sept 13 at 0638 and 0710 UT, Spanish music in the
mix; 0708 think I heard ``Nuevo Mundo`` which would be TGJ Guatemala,
vs ESPN which would be WHSQ NYC ex-WCBS; and usual KRVN Nebraska. But
there are several US SS stations listed, most likely KJOZ Conroe TX.
New IRCA Mexican Log shows only one on 880 but it`s silent in
Chihuahua. TGJ was one of my early memorable DX catches (Glenn Hauser,

UNIDENTIFIED. 9529.1 USB, Sept 13 at 0658, 2-way in Spanish, cambios,
whistling. Hardly any broadcast signals on 31mb to be bothered (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 0223 UT September 13
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