Some Chinese music jammer or channel placeholder,
9585 kHz up to 15 UT 24hrs ?
later also 11620 kHz UNID Chinese mx continously ap to 16.02 S=9+25dB
11805 kHz DRM mode QRM jamming ?
like up to 1600 UT to avoid Uighur program from Taiwan S=9+20,
BBC Oman Pashto to 16 UT,
and again underneath 1000 Hertz test tone too 15.52 to 16 UT.
9620 kHz UNID like Bharat Akashvani via Bangalore ?
CeAS / So ASian language like ? Hindi ?
9304 to 9337 kHz strong broadband scratch signal. S=9 15.33 UT
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