Hard-Core-DX.com: R Verdad, Guatemala, soon to reactivate 4055

R Verdad, Guatemala, soon to reactivate 4055

Thursday, August 15 2024

** GUATEMALA. TGAV Radio Verdad has been off the air since 5 December
2020, but would you believe it`s still in Aoki? I have been in contact
with Dr Madrid, whose digital clox keep failing, but he says they do
not depend on WWVB.

``We miss your 4-MHz signal. I guess you have no plans to resume it? I
hope you have realized by now that nothing comes of the ``worldwide``
SW signal satellite relay deal. Best wishes, Glenn Hauser`` - his
reply August 14:

``Now, referring to our short wave station Radio Truth International
on 4055 khz, we have discarded our satellite project, and have
returned to the conventional short wave radio. We are expecting to
receive in Guatemala a new and modern 1200 watt transmitter
constructed at Frankfurt, Germany. This is a computerized transmitter,
quite modern. The transmitter was sent to the United States already,
in order to set our 4055 Khz frequency, and will be sent to Guatemala
these days. We plan to return to the air quite soon. We hope so. Thank
you very much. Your radio friend, Dr. Édgar Amílcar Madrid, Radio
Truth International`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

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