Hard-Core-DX.com: Jen's Mothers Day Special, in two parts, on May 12th Sun 17-21+ UT

Jen's Mothers Day Special, in two parts, on May 12th Sun 17-21+ UT

Sunday, May 12 2024

Hi Glenn, I hope everything's fine. Thanks.

On Unique R., Australia,
Mothers Day May 12th from 1700 to 2100 +
In two parts, first my traditional & non traditional music,
all forms, then my all Real Deal a La Fem,
the mothers who influenced the daughters to make their brand of
"noise" then the daughters of real deal R & R, girl groups, & other
yummy up Rock-in bands through to the new She-Punk artists,
all on Unique Radio, Australia Live digital stream..


Plus our live chat room is open for you in
click on connect, then web chat
Please put in the following:
For nick: name or like me radionutresss
Then next line channel, that's the following:
and you are in the room.

For correspondence please use the email address,

Jen in The (Suffragette) Rad.
Happy Mother's Day
For The Past, Present, & Future MOMS.
73" 33"
& 88''s
to all

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