Hard-Core-DX.com: Glenn Hauser logs March 15-16, 2024

Glenn Hauser logs March 15-16, 2024

Saturday, March 16 2024

Government USAGM Radio Marti anti-Cuba Spanish service program
is operated by OCB - "Office of Cuba Broadcasting"

see WRTH 2024 page # 569

for example:
re Cuban war fighters deployed in Angola South Africa
were deployed regularly for decades and
were provided with RHC Spanish and Portuguese radio broadcasts ...

73 wolfie df5sx
wwdxc topnews

ps. WHY Not ?

relay bcasts from Greenville NC, instead of USAGM Lampertheim Europe:

electricity in Germany is too much EXPENSIVE these days,
so the nation people and industry suffers greatly from the
doubling or tripling of electrical power generation costs.

German pensioners with a small pension
pay 1.5 times more additional electricity costs
than a single monthly pension,
instead of previous decade.

The annual electricity costs of our local amateur radio station
in Stuttgart have now doubled to 500 EURo / Year ...
thanks to the shutdown of the German nuclear power industry
by the sociologist Greens, in her 2 year reign ideology.

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
From: Wojtek Zaremba via Hard-Core-DX

Sent: Saturday, March 16, 2024 11:03 AM
To: hard-core-dx@hard-core-dx.com
Subject: Re: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs March 15-16, 2024

U S A. 17680, Fri March 15 at 1657 tune-in via UTwente, open
carrier S9+10/20, 1700 R. Martí ID, nothing about VOA, and right into
program `La Libertad es una Librería` discussing Ukrainian poetry in
translation. That means bookshop, not library.

Before 1700 still no signal on 17865. Peter Hanson checked IBB
monitoring in ``Kiev`` showing that 17865 at 13-17 is for Sat & Sun,
17680 at 17-21 for M-F only. So on March 16 we should find it earlier
on the other frequency instead. Also, on March 15, Richard Langley
reported 17680 had run past 2100 on some unspecified date:

``An update: Listened to all of my 10-minute clips. There seemed to be
a VOA editorial near the top of the hour each hour (except the first
hour). At about 2104 UT, there was a version of the Ukrainian
patriotic song "Ой у лузі червона калина, romanized: Oi u luzi
chervona kalyna" (something like: "Oh, there is a red viburnum in the
meadow") in SPANISH! Most of us have heard various versions of this
song since the start of the war but perhaps not in Spanish. When
checking on the spelling of the song, I came across this version:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkMKYPWWmSY Very nice, particularly the
portions with brass instruments. The hour

continued past 2106 when my recording ended. So not signing off at
2100 according to the supposed schedule. Will extend my recordings to
see if there is a consistent s/off time. Slava Ukraini! -- Richard

Volodya Salmaniw, BC, replied, ``Thanks for sharing, Richard! The song
was banned in the Soviet Union. As I recall, it was written during the
first world war but became popular with the Ukrainian Insurgent Army
during and after World War 2. As many Ukrainian songs are, it's
cryptic, describing how Ukraine, although broken, will arise again. We
learned it as children growing up in the diaspora. Always gives me a
lump in my throat. Walt``
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

Something to read about this Ukrainian Insurgent Army:


Best Regards,
Wojtek Zaremba, Poland.

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