Hard-Core-DX.com: Glenn Hauser logs March 12-13, 2024

Glenn Hauser logs March 12-13, 2024

Thursday, March 14 2024

** CANADA. 28301 CW, March 13 at 2216, VVV DE VE3CKN/B -- and long
pauses between repeats. Strangely, the OBOB in a quick bandscan. WI5V
beacon list still inaccessible, but in the WJ5O list not updated since
2016y?: ``28.3002 VE3CKN ? GLOUCESTER, ONT, CANADA # ?,?
Un-coordinated beacon reported Dec 12``. But QRZ.com: ``VE3CKN Canada
flag Canada, Donald Greene, 139 CURTIS PVT, GLOUCESTER, ON K1V 7L7,
Canada. Good Day All, The VE3CKN/B is a 10m beacon using a HTX-100, 5
watts into a Butternut HF6V. Also a 40m beacon using a Vectronics 40m
CW Transmitter 1 watt and a CW IDer. 73' Don (ve3ckn at gmail . com)``
WTF,K? No offence, but I`ve always felt Gloucester be a rather ugly
name for any place; not even indexed in my Rand McNally. Where is it?
Just SE of Ottawa now absorbed into that more euphonious city (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

** GUAM. 15680, March 13 at 2159 open carrier S7/S9, 2200 KSDA AWR
English ID, following program in Dayak. Believe it or not, this is the
SSOB, or at least roughly equal to offside 15770 WRMI aimed NE. As to
be expected, HFCC shows 100 kW aimed WSW = 255 degrees, so how do they
manage such a signal over here? Ideal propagation pipeline? Hardly
anything else on band from PacAsia. Shows lang is Nij which per
readme at EiBi is: ``NJ Ngaju Dayak: Indonesia-Borneo (0.9m)[nij]``
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** MALI. 5995, March 13 at 0651, non-DRM noiseblob again S9+25 and no
program audio from ORTM. Zacharias Liangas also monitored this today
via Canary SDR:

``5995 today a strong noise white type jammer kills reception of a
station airing stringed music. Sign off together with the noise at
0759. Listen here``

On the recording both stop at the same time just before 0759, so I
still think the noise is from ORTM itself rather than external
``jamming`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** OKLAHOMA [and non]. 1120, Mar 13 at 2214 UT, no signal, trying
the refurbished Wellbrook loop; nor on the internal shortwire, yet JBA
carrier daytime from NE or TX on 1110. Suspect KETU Catoosa = Tulsa
mkt in Spanish, be off. Licensed 10 KW D4, CH 7 kW. D4 means two
different patterns for day and critical hours. Never a bigsig here.
Day pattern favors N/S with a notch to the NW but we are close to due
west. CH pattern almost identical but a bit smaller, both also with a
notch toward KMOX. Recheck at 2305-2310 UT on two other radios, still
no KETU --- but with the DX-398 I do get a DF fix on the horrible line
noise level, totally different than the source a mile or so away that
OG&E repaired a few months ago. Then I`m getting a JBA 1120 carrier
from the direxion of KMOX. I reported KETU a lot in 2022y but not
2023y, yet I think it was mostly there last year. Nor have I found any
FCC news about it from IRCA in 2023 or 2024 (Glenn Hauser, Enid, WOR)

** OKLAHOMA. RF 17, K17JN-D, still misIDing due to someone`s stupid
typo as K17JI-D, March 13 at 1533 UT: I am bandscanning during
enhanced tropo reception. Signal here is diminished no doubt due to DX
interference, but as I go thru the channels this one displays as 17-3
3ABN-IN! Yet it`s black and silent. See my Feb 11 report in detail of
what`s on this transmitter, Enid`s only local TV signal. At that time
it was simply NO SIGNAL, not 3ABN-IN. I have no idea what sub-network
that indicate, but it`s obviously useless. Just like Feb 11, there
*is* a signal on 17-3 but it`s black and silent. And I can`t get the
3ABN-IN PSIP to display again.

Rabbitears.info is still mostly outdated for this, ignoring the update
I sent more than a month ago. FWIW, for 17-3 it says call sign is
SmrtLfS, sic cases, and Network/Programming of Hope Channel.

Meanwhile I was getting BAD signals on many of the `open` UHF channels
and some VHF. The only one decoding was usual RF 20, KQCW ``19`` Tulsa
market (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** SAUDI ARABIA. 11915, March 13 at 1512, buzzroar from defective
transmitter, S6/S7 direct (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** SWAZILAND [and non]. 9585, March 13 at 1518, FMish blob unreadable
but cadence of talk, atop JBA AM carrier, i.e. listed TWR in Malagasy
at 1455-1525 M-F but French on weekends. Probably remnant by longpath.
Blob could be spur of bigsig nearby? Modpeaks do not match blaster
9980 WWCR TOMBS. Could be of local origin? Then should be constant,
but nonesuch at 1727 recheck (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** TURKEY [and non]. 5960.002, March 13 at 2339, VOT music S9+30/45
into UTwente, so not off the air. Tnx to DST, 6pm CDT is a less
convenient time for me vs. PBS NewsHour, so I also missed tokEnglish
from Spain completely again. 2343, weekly `Sports Panorama`, mainly
stupid ballgame, football. Could not understand team names even if I
cared. 2349 `ABYS` promo, music. 2354 TRTWorld promo, s/off for the
1330 emission only, about 9 notes of IS before 2355* chopoff
uncovering XJRTV in Chinese, std. genocidal denunciations (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. 17865, March 13 at *1649, continuous OTH radar
clickery cuts on. I have been monitoring this via UTwente since 1544,
as it`s on the GB-6 schedule for R. Martí, 250 kW, 45 degrees for
Ukraine at 13-17 UT, same parameters as 17680 at 17-20 -- but 17865
for that obviously not yet activated.

17680, March 13 at 1658, into UTwente, S9/+20 open carrier is on. I`m
distracted by other things at ToH but modulation starts at 1700 in
unknown language, not Spanish or Ukrainian, wrong program input! 1701
switches to Martinoticias. Again today all the content seems to be
about the Russian war on Ukraine, and Cuban involvement. At 1723
refers to this? being a podcast - rather than `live` programing like
for Cuba itself on usual lower bands.

Richard Langley has more info about that:

``On 16 February, there was an article in the Wall Street Journal
entitled "How Russia Recruits Soldiers From Cuba to Fight in Ukraine;
Eager to escape Communist island's poverty, Cubans are joining Russian
army." In that article, we find:

"Ambassador Ruslan Spirin, Ukraine's special representative to Latin
America and the Caribbean, said the government believes that about 400
Cubans are fighting in the country. 'We take it seriously,' he said.

"Others think the numbers go higher. Maryan Zablotskyi, a member of
the Ukrainian parliament who has studied the issue, estimates that
between 1,500 and 3,000 Cubans have enlisted as the island's
state-controlled economy crumbles."

The whole article is quite interesting but is behind a paywall unless
you have a WSJ subscription or access through a university library,
etc. -- Richard Langley`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2233 monitoring: ``From: Richard
Lemke, St. Albert, Alberta, Canada, the desk of Richard’s listening
Post, Radio: JRC NRD-535 HF, Antenna: random long wires in the trees,
Dear Glenn: Update, confirming WOR #2233, WRMI:
5850, 0144 (55433-4), confirmed 0159, March 9 UTC 2024 [Sat]
9395, 2330, 2344, 2358 (45433), 2359, March 12 UTC 2024 [Tue]
(Lemke, Richard -AB) 73’s, Richard``

Confirmed Tuesday March 12 at 2330 on WRMI 9395, S9+15/25 into
Missouri SDR.

Also confirmed Wednesday March 13 at 1415 the secret 1400 on WRMI
9955, S7/9+5 direct. Last week March 6, before the one-hour-earlier
DSTimeshift, music aired instead after 1500, so I thought it was
canceled. Continues on A24 sked to show at 1400 Thursdays instead,
when it had not been airing at 1500.

Also confirmed Wednesday March 13 at 2035 the 2030, S9/+10 into
UTwente from SW Radio, Germany, 3975.002.

Before 2100 March 13, I asked about relying on the WBCQ 7490 play for
WOR, and how is reception so far into the daytime? No replies so far.
Here, not even tried, but into Maryland SDR it was sufficient S9/+10
on 7489.946. Next:

0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW [ex-0230]
1730 UT Thursday SW Radio, Germany 3975

As noncommercial services, financial support appreciated, by MO or
check in US funds on a US bank to: Glenn Hauser, PO Box 1684, Enid OK

One may also contribute via PayPal, not necessarily in US funds, to:
woradio at yahoo.com (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 12160, March 13 at 1515, WWCR with gospelhuxters at S9+40
and a squeal on this transmitter, both the USB and LSB sides, evitable
by narrowing bandwidth (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. WTWW: George McClintock informs me at 2040 March 13: 9475
tested OK today for 30 minutes, plans to start regular broadcasts
sometime next week, hours not set. Still messing with modulation
cards. 5085 will be full 100 kW for first time tonight. The sagging
transmission line has been raised so now safely out of reach (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

UNIDENTIFIED. 891 kHz, March 13 at 0648, only TA carrier this late
among lower spots checked such as 684, 711, 774, 855, is 891, surely
the 300/100 kW ALGERIA, but again it has a slow beat SAH signifying
one other station. Surely it`s too late into the dayside for any
others of considerable power in mwlist: Ethiopia, Iran, Lesotho,
Sudan, Turkey. Could Eurafricans check on this? Could there really be
a second synchro transmitter in Algeria? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 0021 UT March 14
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