Hard-Core-DX.com: kSdR logs 4/11: Pirates and non

kSdR logs 4/11: Pirates and non

Sunday, November 05 2023

Notica that the 1 was  missing from the R Delta frequency due to bad copy paste but it was coretcly posted in WordPress   See my comment in the twente log on the end

12030 with Delta today on 0915 -83dbm in Twente  -61dbm in Wessex -91 in Rantsilla FI Niceguitar play thx to Alan Roe for the news 0919 with ID radio delta live onair  Italian  song after. 5kHz wide audio.
6030 Radio Marti with talk in Spanish 0922
5930 WMR with its Afrorribean  songs 0925with -75dbm signal
5920  HCJB with talks in German 0927seems as a DX program but airing ezl or classical music snippets -85dbm manadvises the program under religious aspect
5880 Radio Rock Revolution 0935 + with old rockies ,ID 0939 heard via Wessex atbest with -75  with song ‘listen toradio‘ 
11665  very possibly hearing Wai RTMsignal is just above the nose tested also via PHL
6275  “V of the NL”   on 0952 with old rocks -64 in Wessex sometimes with compressed carrier “brick inthe well” on 0959 man talking in Dutch but seen no ID same level on Twente,"I think it gonna be on o time" 1011 IDed on 1012 noticing tostop program  as Levelands or Netherlands then with PhilColins song ,I shut sharing ,Suden s off ca 1037
6300 NRG or NMG radio with epop music 0953 -75dbm then various music kinds. Modulationproblems S off 0957 seen him back 1020 -90dbm with string QSB  the “sound of reee radio MMG radio”
6290 another pirate with female voice 095x  “ dropout” -85dbm then only carrier 
6160 R Shortwave Gold “driving with Dua Lipa!” on 1023 
6262.85 Alter  X  with pop songs 1049 In UK Ireland tis isradio  Alfred (?)towards UK  -82dbm in Twente and Wessex(better )()withAmanda Lear’s voice  signing  1055 MOooo Clear Id on 1057 ad Alter  X – 1130 with German song. The name courtesy Ray on HFU  
7720  Echo of hope   With pops song on 1144 talks in Korean

MW 4+5/11
1008  Charleston R Intl as noted in  the twente chat on  1039 with its 50s era songs -58dbm Next day 5/11on 0830 ID ed as    “This Twente radio  “ with -55 dbm  ( Notice: I  m not  so well  persuaded it was Charleston I as twente used that time the same music kind  )
972  Sunrise radio 1035 ID  as tested in a nearby kSDR near Twente , happybirthday to you Hindi song , with adverts followed form Sony TV and Deevali? Bottomsignal level -80db high QRN  


Zacharias Liangas

exMusic Producer Greek Music Refuge / Dangdut  and Beyond
Hard  core DXer https://youtu.be/8VJ__oppkLs the pool
https://bit.ly/3OZixtr ; disclaimer on my writinghttps://linktr.ee/zliangas ; all my pages

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