Hard-Core-DX.com: A few logs from Mt Olympus 13/10

A few logs from Mt Olympus 13/10

Saturday, October 14 2023

All times are approximate this is a listening while I m soft-napping I Used inkax HIFI in-ear buds together with the PL330. AFAIK this model is suspended by the importer.


7335  and 7435 R Marti has been heard on 0520 with equal signals with up to 42/xx in the PL-330 readout Mostly talks in Spanish as usual
7505 WRNO  0515   heard with music /songs with talks in between with a glockenspiel play on around 0522 . Lang  was not so clear on the start of listening but reception was slightly better towards BOH wen the lang was clearly English Max signal  <40/xx
15700 WMR 0525 another day with very good reception  and esp in the local morning (08xx LT) and with its typical Afrorribean songs. Signal was to 45/xx  i.e. good. 25800 was inaudible

And a new home session later Time sorted
15690 Farda 1520  QRMing  with splatter  the weaker by  20db signal of   WMR in 15700kHZ  This is possibly the spatter heard on 12th while Dxing in the pool. As noticed in the EiBi Farda stops on 1630 in this frequency
15630    V iran  with signal 56/15 as noted in the PL330 display on 1520
15245 CGTN  covering VoK in nearly full as like being a  hammer . Bad frequency selection  because this sis the only freq for VoK  in this band A poor het below 500HZ is also heard Signal level  56/24
12080 AWR 1536 with religious  Hindi song on 1536 followed with another then with talks . Local QRN is stronger in the band making reception very noisy at 48/08

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