Hard-Core-DX.com: Glenn Hauser log roundup August 10-16, 2023

Glenn Hauser log roundup August 10-16, 2023

Friday, August 18 2023

U S A. 7490-, Sunday August 13 at 2300, especially since CBS-TV `60
Minutes` is going to run more than an hour late due to stupid
golfgame, I stay on WBCQ webcast after `Ginga Brasil` for Harry
Shearer`s `Le Show`, but stream stops at 2302*. I bring up 7490 itself
into Maryland SDR, and it`s also off. Then find 6160, 5130 and 9330
are also off. Must be total power failure at Monticello; of course I
don`t know for sure whether the other frequencies were axually on
until then. By 2312, webcast resumed but not 7490 until *2314 carrier,
*2316 add modulation, and staying on rest of hour. NA5B remote shows
7490 -106 Hz, but we know it`s miscalibrated, see TURKEY. Alexandria
VA is closer at -71 Hz as it puts WWV at 10000 +3/4 Hz, 15000 +5/6 Hz.

9330 still off at 2324, and at much later check 0324 Aug 14. At 0215
August 14 I try the W1NT in NH, which has WWV on 5 and 10 MHz within 1
Hz or less. And 6160 as -67/68 Hz = 6159.9325 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

Nothing noted Aug 18 at 16.35 UT on 5130v kHz.

9330even Proper S=9+15dB signal, English of WBCQ - WLC likely, at 16.20 UT

and also

poor WBCQ signal string visible on 6159.933 kHz at 16.38 UT on Aug 18.

73 wb df5sx

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