Hard-Core-DX.com: Iran Jamming Yemen?

Iran Jamming Yemen?

Tuesday, August 15 2023

At 10 UT Aug 15,
totally EMPTY 11860 kHz channel in ME, SoAS subcontinent and FE at Tokyo and
Hiroshima SDR's.

But later around

10.38 UT noted broadband BUZZ tone,
broadband between 11855.300 and 11865.430 kHz,
Yemen Sanaa Excile Radio via Riyadh carrier seen on exact 11859.963 kHz
when measured at Doha Qatar SDR remote net unit.

- - -

On 11864.963 kHz noted KRE VoKOR Japanese at 09-13 UT.

Another - on 12084.879 kHz Ulan Bataar S=8 in Mandarin at 10.00 UT - 10.30

and S=9+15dB signal in Japanese from 10.30 UT antenna switch action.
BUZZ tone of 2 x 100 Hertz either sideband.

vy73 de wb df5sx

From: Kai Ludwig
Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2023 9:51 AM
Subject: Re: [WOR] Iran Jamming Yemen?
Right now (0740 UTC) the 11860 kHz transmission has no real carrier at all.
It's a garden fence every 120 Hz, traceable between at least 11857 and 11862
kHz and audibly appearing as buzzing sound. More dirty signals further away
could come from this defective transmitter as well.


On Mon, Aug 14, 2023 at 04:26 PM, Glenn Hauser wrote:

Times? 11860 is also R Marti and Cuban jamming, which can well expand beyond
the times RM is really on air. Glenn

From: Paul B. Walker, Jr. <paul@alaskaradionerd.com>
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2023 at 08:00:12 PM GMT+1
Subject: Re: Iran Jamming Yemen?

Also, Saudi's 9675 has been missing for at least a few weeks and the Saudi
15170 quaran channel broadcast has been missing for 6 months or so.. but the
15285 broadcast is still there

On Mon, Aug 14, 2023 at 9:57 AM Paul B. Walker, Jr.
<paul@alaskaradionerd.com> wrote:

For the last few weeks I’ve heard a very loud buzzing on 11860, over yemens
program audio. The transmitter is in Saudi Arabia.

I thought it was a transmitter fault the first few days but it’s still

I was talking with a friend and we think it’s Iran jamming Yemen.
Regards, Paul Walker
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

