Hard-Core-DX.com: SMC Petition (conclusion)

SMC Petition (conclusion)

Tuesday, July 25 2023

Realistically, SWLs have no economic or political influence and it is even less compared to the financial industry. Short wave broadcasting, sad to say, is considered a remnant of a bygone era super ceded by the internet and the computer. If (THE BIG IF) the technology advocated in this petition ,and there is quite a lot of technology being advocated,, actually works as it is supposed to, there is little to worry about except brief bursts of noise which are not harmful interference. The report does state that over years of testing not one verifiable interference report was received. Verifiable is defined among other things as getting the call sign of the interfering station. Getting an ID on a frequency agile brief burst of data of an unknown mode of transmission does not sound like an easy thing to do. Thanks to Arthur and Zack for their comments. Bill Smith, Douglas, MA

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